As Bravo Squad Fireteam 3 leader, I have expectation of the members in my Fireteam. If you have problems with these expectation, then I suggest you use the chain of command to talk about your concerns. These expectations are the same ones that are expected from me. Here are the expectations:
1. To be on forums and post at least 2 to 3 times a week. This is required by every full member in CAG. I prefer 3 or more. Please post something quality and not something cheap. Remember that we have other people reading thse and they will notice.
2. I would like to know your gameplay schedule. I have battlefield 4 for Xbox 360 and Xbox1. I want to game with every member in my Fireteam. Also need to know what your first and second choice of class are you most comfortable with. Once rental servers are up, we will be holding practices and scrim with other fireteams. I will try to accommodate everyone to best of my ability, so I expect you to try to attend every event, but if you can't attend, please contact me. I will give advance notices of the events.
3. Show each member with respect and class. I don't want hear about raging at a team member or you putting a rant on forums. We all make mistakes. Use your CoC to help resolve the issue.
4. I expect every member in my fireteam to respond to this post.
5. I expect every member in my Fireteam to respond to each member in our Fireteam and squad forum post.
6. I expect every member in our Fireteam to help our recruits and help each other attain our awards whenever needed, if possible.
I want to be the best Fireteam in our platoon. A leader is only good as his men, so please help us attain the goal as best Fireteam in out platoon. Any questions, please contact me
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