Yep...all good points Blame, and eloquently said. Nice.
You're absolutely right...I too have got to know people more, simply from being on the forums and when it comes to being in people's company on makes things a lot easier.
It's weird and yet it's not...I'm a long way across the pond from the greater majority of CAG, yet I feel connected like I do with RL friends. Is that a stupid thing to say?
In any case...having the people here to talk to always gives me a little extra happy ;-)
sent from the edge of your perception
not at all a stupid thing to say. i like most of the people here more than i like people i've known since i was in the 6th or 7th grade, roughly 15-16 years.
Originally Posted by CAG ToxicBob
I don't even have a 1000 and I've been on this site for 8 years
Crying after Blame's magical tip touch
Originally Posted by CAG BIG COUNTRY
Were going to have to work on that forum activity bud . Lol
double lol.
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