JouNASTY here... im new to the forum and currently a CAGR. Very excited to join the clan. For the past 2 days I have played with several members and higher ups from the clan. Everyone seems kool and i like the fact that there is always some type of communication going on during the game (ie. callouts, directions, etc.). From what I've seen so far, i like the discipline, comradery and attitude of all the members. Im online almost every day grinding on the 360, mostly late afternoons and evenings during the week and on weekends im online as much as possible. My gt is xX JouNASTY Xx. Dont hesitate to send me a request or an invite.
For those interested, I am 29yrs old, married with 2 boys, I am a Sergeant in the US ARMY, my MOS is 11C(Infantry Mortarman). I am currently stationed in Ft Stewart, GA. Looking forward to getting to know and play with you all. Thanks for the opportunity.