can anybody help me get my marksmen badge next week dats when i will be able to play my Xbox one cause of some happen so if anybody will help me around 6 tomorrow i will be grateful
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can anybody help me get my marksmen badge next week dats when i will be able to play my Xbox one cause of some happen so if anybody will help me around 6 tomorrow i will be grateful
is your on the one please send CAG GypsyOutlaw a message and friend req so he can help you and lead you in the right direction
pisspawz (February 9th, 2014)
if your for BF4 add me. send me a message NOT a party invite when your looking to play. i'm not always near my Xbox or awake but i always check my messages when i get back and i can see those unlike party invites.
remember, it falls on EVERY recruit to take the initiative to get games/marksman completed with other members.
CAG Archangel (February 10th, 2014),pisspawz (February 9th, 2014)
ill help u get some game time in even tho i cant confrim ya kills ill still help
CAG Archangel (February 10th, 2014),pisspawz (February 9th, 2014)
i just put a app in bf4 for the xbox 1
CelticSaint (February 10th, 2014)
I thought he put two in...
Battlefield brigade
-CAG pisspawz
-Platoon commander
pisspawz (February 10th, 2014)
Yes that's correct kuj I don't know maybe he's making bf his primary game haven't a clue
Battlefield brigade
-CAG pisspawz
-Platoon commander
I'm not going to accept any recruit or member who switches from COD to Battlefield without permission from COD leaders. So if he wants to switch, then he'll need to go to his COD leaders first. Respect your chain of command.
The same would go for Battlefield recruits or members. If you want to switch your primary game, then come to Battlefield leaders and we'll work it out.
CAG Archangel (February 10th, 2014),CelticSaint (February 10th, 2014),GypsyOutlaw (February 10th, 2014),pisspawz (February 10th, 2014)