Hell yeah...t'will be awesome!
sent from the edge of your perception
Discuss anything from suggestions, ideas here. No holds barred in this forum, beware and you have been warned!
CAG Archangel (February 3rd, 2014),Vigilant (February 5th, 2014)
BlameItOnGod13 (February 3rd, 2014)
CAG Archangel (February 3rd, 2014)
BlameItOnGod13 (February 3rd, 2014),CAG Archangel (February 3rd, 2014)
CAG Archangel (February 3rd, 2014)
Gonna be trying out most of the new games coming out for the xb1.
sent from the d4rk side.
CAG Archangel (February 4th, 2014)
Spent about 2 hours last night reading up on this. It seems so much more fun, holy shit. Jump in and out with friends. Play via IPad and tablets. How awesome is that.
Sent from a place with free wifi.
CAG Archangel (February 4th, 2014)
RzaRay (February 4th, 2014)
CAG Archangel (February 4th, 2014)