Well guys I know I haven't been playing much over the last week or so and wanted to give u all a heads up.this has to do with a lot of things which are mostly personal.the wife has a condition known as fybromyaliga which causes her to have unexplained pain in particular areas ie:- legs,handsand neck.with this come headaches,insomnia,chronic fatigue,depression and a lot of other stuff.weve generally had a real tough week of things.these problems mean that at times I have to clock off a shift in work early just to be there and support her when time are hard.when this happens it affects my wage packet hugely which doesn't help.iv been constantly working all week to claw back lost hrs to hopefully balance it out.
im hoping to get some play time in tonight on bf4 all being well so hopefully il catch up and talk to u guys tonight!
johnbai84 trucking on through:-)