alright so i'm your Squad Leader within Alpha Squad. if i'm not on your FL already please add me, GT is the same as my username.
what i would like to see in Alpha Squad is for all fireteams to be PTFOing and making callouts. save the non-communication chatter for between rounds.
Chain of Command in Alpha = Me (Blame) < Fireteam Leaders < Fireteam members
Fireteam Leaders - any problems/hiccups let me know. questions or concerns send me a PM or message me on XB Live. mentor any recruits you play with. answer questions, make sure they know the Chain of Command and Code of Conduct. keep up your forum activity.
kamikazebear has stated he would send me weekly or biweekly reports on whats going on. this is not necessary but isn't frowned upon either. do so at your discretion.
Fireteam Members - follow your CoC's, ask your Fireteam Leaders any questions you may have. help recruits get their marksman. stay active on the forums.
if i forgot anything, i apologize, i have pizza on the brain.