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Thread: Fan Pics: a Study of Trevor In Wool, Los Santos Noire And Tributes To GTA San Andreas

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    Fan Pics: a Study of Trevor In Wool, Los Santos Noire And Tributes To GTA San Andreas

    This week's collection of fan pics is full of GTA West Coast flavor with impressive creative tributes by means of everything from tattoo needle to knitting needle.Check 'em out below and as always, be sure to send any Rockstar-related and fan-created awesomeness that you think is worth featuring here at the Newswire to us via Mouthoff and follow us at for all our latest official pics. You can also feel free to drop cool finds in the comments section below for other Social Club members to enjoy.Along with this picture proof that even in knitted form, Trevor looks ready to burn your house down, deviantARTist Coldestblood also sent Mr Phillips on a bender with Bender, Credit to Coldestblood for the fine knitting work and to his collaborator, photographer lucasgenio123 on the inspired photoshoot collage. Amazingly, Ned Luke himself popped up in Coldestblood's gallery comments section to say, "Hey... what am I? Chopped liver? This is freaking awesome. I wanna see Michael. Ned" - and voila: Michael. Word is that a knitted Franklin is also underway to complete the trio. Evidence of a trend? deviantARTist and avid plushies designer AkaKiiroMidoriAoi shows her fluffy takes on nearly every GTAV character. She even gave the tweaked out Wade all of his respective piercings for a nice touch of detail.Los Santos Noire. A dark and stormy night in Vinewood, stunningly shot in Snapmatic by Digi-Geist using the new B&W filter.deviantARTist @doubleleaf hooked up this fun animated GIF after completing GTAV - inspired by both a frantic Trevor and this vintage TV ad for Manga series Lupin III.Here’s a mini-gallery of some great tributes to the original GTA San Andreas – we’ve seen a surge of excellent stuff in the wake of the game’s recent release for mobile devices (now also out this week for Windows Phone) and in light of the game’s 10th anniversary this year. Definitely send us any other awesome fan photos and creations for consideration to feature here at the Newswire.DeviantARTist ubegovic created this pin up of San Andreas caricature sketches he did while replaying the game. That's Big Smoke's scowl to a t. Wow - YouTuber MyRagingMonkey is working tirelessly to recreate all of San Andreas in Minecraft. He's already got a very detailed Grove Street as you can see above and even the interior to C.J.'s house. Found via @roguecircuitgaming.@Mightdieb really took "Grove St 4 Life" to heart. By the looks of it, The Grove Street Family will always have his back. An insane work in progress by artist @Maggiemayhemm.dmmcintyre3's bounty hunting vehicle of choice is an LS Custom-made FIB Rancher modeled after the original GTA San Andreas Vehicle. He shared his experience with reddit, swearing to his durable Rancher XL over most super cars. A shout out to GTA Wikia for the sweet comparison photo. San Andreas fan @Samuelhoygan went as far as to have the Grove Street Family muralized on his bedroom walls, copping a seat next to Ryder for full effect. trlxpro claims, "CJ def isn't dead. I found proof in pics..." You can spot this arguable doppelgänger of C.J. in GTA Online, shared by his Crew, Ganton Disciples' Instagram. Spotted in Russia by @georgepobivaev, a vivid and pretty spot on, full-color graffiti of the classic San Andreas' "Drive By" artwork. Previously:Fan Pics: Famous Rides of Film and TV Invade GTA Online, Uncanny Jimmy Hopkins Look-alike & MoreFan Gets Trevor’s ‘Cut Here’ Tat, Plus Snapmatic Homages & MoreArchitecture, Art, Landscapes & Leisure by Linalyx and More

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