So as you guys know the rosters have changed. That being said I'll keep it sweet and simple, this is the most current listing of our squad and fireteams.
FT1 if you would read up on this and add Wolfhunter0313 in your friends and keep in touch with him and stay as active as you can on the field and on the forums especially.
FT2 your squad leader is RZAraySHARP, likewise make sure your FT leader is added to your friends list to keep in close contact with if you have any immediate questions.
Both of these guys are great people and more than willing to help in any way they possibly can within their knowledge.
I need you guys to stay on top of your game and be willing and able to help out a fellow CAG if ever they need it.
Please stay active in the forums as well, I know that usually goes without saying but for my sake I'm saying it now so you can't ever say I didn't.
Beyond that guys I'll be adding all and I mean ALL of you to my list of friends so we can stay in touch. I know some of our guys in Bravo are currently on 360 only but I also have a 360 and at least we can get in touch if you ever need me to. Stay safe and battle on!
Edit: Also forgot, for the sake of ease of access if you all could post your general game time hours, as well as what games and systems you're currently playing on that'd be a big help to myself and all you guys to know which guys to be looking forward to gaming with.
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