Hey dude...have you filled in an application for CAG?
I am. UK also...feel free to add me when you've been accepted for CAG recruit...then we can bash your marksman.
GT: CAG Archangel
sent from the edge of your perception
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CAG Archangel (January 28th, 2014)
CAG Archangel (January 28th, 2014)
Nice one dude.
Note...We can't begin your marksman until your application has been accepted and you're given CAG Recruit status.
You should have helpful advice and names in your visitor message in your profile too. You get one of these following a successful application. Also...keep an eye on your application thread...it's important you know what going on regarding your app ;-)
I don't normally get on until 2130hrs or thereabouts...don't play until wifey is in bed...but there are a few of us on 360. These guys should offer their GTs in due course and will be more than happy to help you.
See you in the field my man.
sent from the edge of your perception
RzaRay (January 28th, 2014)
pisspawz (January 28th, 2014)
CAG Archangel (January 28th, 2014),pisspawz (January 28th, 2014)
He is a recruit and can start his marksman whenever you see a full member to confirm
Sent from underneath a boulder
CAG Archangel (January 28th, 2014),RzaRay (January 28th, 2014)
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