there was a shooting at the mall in columbia maryland 3 people are dead i hope everyone i know out that way is safe
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terrible tragedy... America needs to change it's gun laws but big oil owns everything over there.
The mall was a gun free zone. You see how that sign saved those peoples lives right?
Why is it the guns fault here? The object we are "blaming" doesn't not,can not,will not think for itself. Why is it not the shooter. They guy who felt it to walk into a crowed "gun free" zone.
Look at Chicago, they have the toughest law on guns for law abiding citizens in the country yet still rank number 1 in gun crime? Riddle me that batman.
Edit : 1 of the 3 killed was the gunman armed with a standard sport shotgun and some homemade pipe bombs.
Remember on average 18 people are killed by an active shooter before police can stop the threat.
Only 2 are killed when a armed citizen is present and willing to stand his/her ground.
Sent from a place with free wifi.
Last edited by Wolfhunter0313; January 26th, 2014 at 04:59 AM.
well being being a first responder thats what we do no mater what we go into places no mater what the situation is we risk life and limb to save or help
second i agree the mall was a gun free zone if it wasnt i guerentee some one would have at leaset been around with a weapon (legaly) i always carry with me and i wont go into any place that dosnt allow weapons plain and simple i will not be a victom
our gun laws need to change yes but the change needs to be that licens holders should be alloud to go any were they want with there licenss weapon
illionis chicago is the murder cap of the us right now and they do have the strictest gun laws in the us so figure that one out
Wolfhunter0313 (January 26th, 2014)
breaksk81 (January 26th, 2014)
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