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Thread: Well Goodbye Fellas

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  1. #61
    andopro's Avatar
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Woah, that was long as hell. I had to take a bathroom break in between. Lol. I understand where you come from Cheech & I respect CAG, its Code, and the Processes it has. It takes a well established community to have engraved processes that the members will run with. But, just from my experience with XeC, this path led us into a dark place. Mainly, because the people who are qualified for the position, felt like they've been cheated and didn't really get a fair shot. That is completely understandable, because like I said earlier in the thread. We as humans tend to play favorites, subconsciously. Just because we have a closer relationship with a person, we automatically, without thinking, feel like that person is more respectable, honorable, and dedicated because of that bond between the two. Plus, when you leave promotion in the hands of a few people, personal discretion's against someone tend to get in the way as well, which may seem to play a part here, not 100% on that, but that does happen in a situation like this.

    I really don't want to overstep lines Cheech. But, I just want to give you Leader to Leader advice. That's what I am doing. & Even though you seem set in stone how your processes work, you may want to revise them closely, because I promise. This won't be the last time this situation reveals itself.

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  3. #62
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Yes , I appreciate your advise and input ando you know I have tremendous respect for you my Man.

    But this system we have here has been the system we have been running since day one with very few amendments done. Allowing officers to promote and demote as they deem fit eliminates micro-managing up and down the Chain of Command.

    Platoon Commanders are in full control of promotions and demotions within their platoons, squad leaders and fireteam leaders also have full control of their respected units and this allows for self-governance in the clan. I stress leadership among all members of the CAG, which is why when Celtic posted his warning about forum activity, I was 100% and still stand behind him on it.

    Just because someone is not a fireteam, squad or platoon leader doesn't mean they can not practice or execute leadership actions in the clan.

    I expect every member to open their mouths when they see something that goes against our rules and regulations, against our Code of Conduct and while you might be thinking that this has nothing to do with the topic here it really does. This is how I determine promotions, by how people deal with these kind of situations and regardless of whether there might be conflict of interest within any of these units, I trust that every single member, unit leader will do what is right and not allow personal feelings and that they will make unbiased decisions at all times.

    Yes, these kinds of actions do happen more than I would like to admit I am sure, but I have to trust my guys when they make their decisions, if I don't then what is the point of having unit leaders in the clan?

    I was told that I was sticking my nose way too much in the decisions that my unit leaders were making, then I am told that I am not doing all I can, then I am told I am too hard on people, yet those same people always come back to me for advise, with concerns and I have to always be unbiased myself regardless of what or who the concerns are about.

    You are seeing CAG's best doing the best job they can. If I didn't think these guys could do their jobs correctly and didn't trust them I wouldn't allow them to make such decisions so freely.

    One more thing, Celtic, you said
    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CelticSaint View Post
    I can only hope everyone gets to read this before it gets deleted

    Sent from the Saint
    You and everyone else has the right to voice their opinions freely on these forums, unless you or someone else completely disrespects or insults anyone then yes the threads will be deleted. This is a serious concern and I have allowed it to be discussed in a public forum here on our website and not keep it under wraps and moved it to the members only forum for one reason, so that everyone sees that we don't bullshit anyone and we do things with integrity around here. While not everyone will agree or like what we do in regards to promotions and leadership, CAG has managed to stay quite consistent when it comes down to this very topic.

    This is one reason why many just can't make it as CAG Doggs, we actually do have high standards contratry to what others might say or think, especially the ones who have left CAG because they did not like what they saw here or because they did not get what they wanted when they wanted it.

    CAG is not for everyone, everyone is welcomed to join us, but we do have our ways and those ways have proven to work since 2009!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  4. The Following 5 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG Archangel (January 25th, 2014),CelticSaint (January 25th, 2014),Eagle7 (January 25th, 2014),pisspawz (January 25th, 2014),Vigilant (January 25th, 2014)

  5. #63
    CAG KoruptdRicn's Avatar
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Well Well Well I walked late into this one...... I hope anything that I may say here is not taken in the wrong way I don’t mean any disrespect.

    Celtic I feel you bro I understand what u are saying in real life people tend to advance those who they befriend first and that is a darn disappointment it has happened to me in the past and i just told to myself I‘m just going to work and push harder for them to realize that i am the right choice. it will come to you man if you feel that someone has been looked ahead of you then just deal with it and move on. I’m in the military this shit happens often.

    As far as getting promoted here in CAG that would be great and all but come on man i see it like this i personally have a life outside of CAG a family of 5. 6 if u include myself and i don't have time to baby sit grown people when i do it at work every day. I play to have fun, compete, and enjoy myself. I have To much stress at work with grown ass people acting like a child or asking for things and treating each other like crap. I deal with it there and shit sometimes at home. But to come from me if i was ever promoted I’d be stricter than cheech. if i don't play games at work or at home and wouldn't do it here i have little sympathy. So saying that there is a chain of command for a reason for whatever reason you felt to skip it that’s on you but don’t get pissed if it bites you in the ass man.
    Damn kid u hit it right on the head even at work we hit a situation like u said and it’s exactly the same way we deal with it. i kid you not we put everyone on the spot so they know exactly how everyone feels about them leading them and to see how they react to criticism. I have noticed that if you put someone on the spot with their peers as the critics they shape the fuck up and try to exceed the rest and show us who will be true to that position. But that is not how we promote in the military we promote the people that deserve to be promoted because they show to us that they are great leaders and/or show that potential but they have to out shine their peers who they are competing with, if they don't do so then what’s the point of promoting them at that time what's to say they won’t be as laid back as they are now and be a shitty leader "DAMN I SEEN THOSE IN MY LIFE TIME".

    anyways everyone who has posted in this post have great points and some taking things to heart but we as a community "A FAMILY" we need to come together and stop all this bickering. I have only had time to play and talk to a few of ya and i admire ya for taking ya time to put a ranking structure down this makes it feel like home, I love it here. So…. I wouldn’t let little petty stuff get to us, I am not really sure I can be wrong but as I have noticed we here in CAG are all grownups and not little kids so let us move on and keep truck-in….
    Last edited by CAG KoruptdRicn; January 25th, 2014 at 02:17 AM.

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  6. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG KoruptdRicn For This Fucking Post:

    CAG Archangel (January 25th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (January 25th, 2014),CelticSaint (January 25th, 2014),Nesty (January 25th, 2014)

  7. #64
    CAG Stud
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    I have without a doubt been more strict in the past and the difference was minimal. I really have thought about going back to a more strict policy environment but then that means me sticking my nose in everyone's business, micro-managing my officers and the times I "have" done so, it's been costly to CAG. So it's damned if I am or damned if I'm not.

    I told Gypsy the other night along with Country and Silent that I am going to sit back these next couple of months and just allow you guys to self-govern yourselves because I really want you guys to feel that this is "YOUR" clan, your Family. You guys are all adults, mature adults who have lives outside of the gaming world and I would love to think that you guys are all capable of making decisions that will not hurt CAG's integrity, reputation and each other.

    Yes, we have a ranking structure in CAG, we also have a Chain of Command and yes things such as promotions might not always happen like people would like them to, but this is just a game and none of us should allow gaming to make us feel overlooked or make us feel like shit.

    I used to play, game more on the competitive side but over the years I slowly lost interest in the competitive aspect of gaming and gained more interest in providing a more simulated style to mirror the real military which I saw that older gamers wanted and were more interested in being a part of. I rather be surrounded by mature adult gamers that understand how to self-govern themselves because there is less stress when gaming and everyone accepts a role as a clan member and therefor the clan continues to run smoothly.

    Mature gamers means, or it should mean that the clan's overall sportsmanship and discipline as well as integrity should be higher than most other clans.

    With every month that passes by, every year, I learn something new as leader of this clan. To have this website, this clan and to have everyone of you guys follow me as a leader, it really means more than you guys can even imagine to me. I want to have in place the best people to co-lead with me to continue being the best clan out there and I need for everyone to believe, to trust us when making decisions especially when it comes to the promotions.

    If everyone is patient, understanding and trusts each other, CAG will turn into a more powerful Family of gamers that will eventually be the envy of all clans. We are already garnishing interest left and right as seen by the number of votes we get on top100 and while many like to say that top100 doesn't mean anything it obviously does when so many people bother to vote for us and even more so the people who go on our top100 wall and post crap left and right.

    A topic such as this one stems out to other smaller subjects and discussions which all bring up valid concerns from everyone. I have open and uncensored forums here because I never want people, our members or gaming Family to feel like they are being bossed around or not allowed to voice their opinions. I can almost guarantee that we are the only clan around that has such an open door policy in place and I want everyone to feel comfortable and trusts us enough to come to us with any problems and issues as well as ideas and suggestions to make CAG a better clan.

    I am actually really glad that Celtic had the balls to start this thread because this thread is allowing me to personally address this issue and the concerns that many of you are voicing as a result of this thread and Celtic's possible self removal from CAG.

    This open door policy is meant to raise everyone's morale just like it is meant in the real world. I was part of HR when I worked for a company and I learned a lot from it which has allowed me to gain the trust of enough people and helped me build this clan from the ground up. But this will only work if everyone voices their opinions without fear of being laughed at, told to screw off or even criticized.

    If I am doing something wrong or your co-leaders are doing something wrong, please speak up, we are all learning and we will continue to learn with every single situation that arises from every single one of you speaking up.

    Is our promotion process perfect?, no, but it's not bad either. It has helped CAG stay consistent and still going after 5 years since I started this website. I somehow managed to start this from scratch, to drive in traffic, members, spread the word around both on xbox and playstation, took me a lot of hard work as well as many disappointing times along the way.

    Together with Toxic and Eagle, both of them have been here with me since 2009, Toxic longer, but Eagle helped me so much when we both played on the Playstation where I first met him and now he is CAG's 3rd in Command and a huge reason for CAG's success.

    I want to be able to say that about everyone of you guys, I want every single one of CAG's members to put their stamp on CAG's History and Success. Many have come and gone, some that are no longer with us made a huge impact and without them CAG would not exists, yet even after all the good they have done, they decided to leave CAG because for some odd reason they did not feel appreciated for one reason or another.

    I could go on forever about this you guys but why should I really? We are adults here, all of us are adults and we need to work together as a Family. We need to trust each other and stand behind the decisions we all make as long as they are in the best interest of our Family which is CAG.

    You guys can continue to jump from clan to clan, spend time developing great friendships and then get pussy hurt and leave because you guys think you are not appreciated or you guys can remain patient, disciplined and wait for the right time for things to happen for you in CAG. It is your choice and all I can do is continue to reassure my Family here in CAG that I will continue to lead you guys as best as I can with the help of each and everyone of you guys.

    It is 3:48 am pacific time and I am up replying and posting this to reassure you guys that things are fine and will continue to be fine and also to show you guys that really care about every single one of you guys and I appreciate what you guys do for this clan. I also want every new member, recruit and guest to see that "I" take my time and pay attention to everything that happens in this clan. What other leader stays up this late to make sure that his clan's members feel appreciated and wanted? Now I hope this doesn't look as arrogance on my part, but my love and appreciation for this clan and all of you guys is very genuine.

    Thank you all who have taken the time to read this long ass post, I appreciate it very much and I hope you guys see and understand how much I really care about you all.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  8. The Following 8 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

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  9. #65
    breaksk81's Avatar
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    i know things will be taken care of all of the higher ups are great and bust there ass and keep busting there ass i will support everything you guys do and say so CAG the fuck up and lets kill some shit

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  11. #66
    CAG KoruptdRicn's Avatar
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    I am erasing your stuff because its LONG LOL.
    AMen brother I hear you No issues here I love where i am and military structure is what i grew up with and came in to so its second nature to me so it is easier for me I got out the military once had to enter again life outside was abnormal for me weird couldn't function right so YES this is right to me..... I just hope every one understand that the more we start criticizing ourselves the more fights we will have.... OMG i cant reply to everything u wrote but i agree with you 121 percent im leaveing the other 79% for the rest of CAG LOL

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  12. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG KoruptdRicn For This Fucking Post:

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  13. #67
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    What's happening is he staying ??

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  14. #68
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG RAZ View Post
    What's happening is he staying ??

    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk
    i would assume so, he was playing with us all night last night.

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  16. #69
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Ahh okay, thought he may have posted that he was here.

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  17. #70
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    To answer all questions I'm not 100% sure yet I was going to see how this weekend played out first

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  18. The Following 6 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CelticSaint For This Fucking Post:

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