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Thread: Well Goodbye Fellas

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  1. #19
    CelticSaint's Avatar
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Quote Originally Posted by andopro View Post
    Hey guys, I know this doesn't really pertain to myself, because I'm not 100% CAG Official. But, I have been a leader for the past 5-6 years and unfortunately I've seen this sort of thing multiple times. Eventually, we had to design a system that satisfies to entire community. From what I read, I can understand both sides of the party.

    Celtic, you've put in hard work and time that no-one can take away from you & feeling cheated or passed by when positions open feels downgrading. That is completely understandable, you wouldn't be human if you didn't or I would judge your humanity. But, like said before, why throw away everything you put forth? Do you think the members of CAG deserve your services for practically free? Because, in my opinion, that is what's happening. What's going to happen, a spot is going to open in a few days, weeks, month, and the only person that seems to fit will be you, but if you aren't here, then they will have to choose Joe Blow for that spot and you miss out. Thats my opinion on your situation.

    Moving to the other party, I believe you need to understand exactly how Celtic feels, and I'm not completely sure you guys do. The man is practically heart-broken because you would choose someone over him for whatever the reasons are. I don't know them, so I won't dwell on that much. Try to sympathize with him and completely understand where he is sitting, because ultimately you aren't there with him, and the easy decision is to blow it off and move on, but is it worth losing a respectable, honorable, and dedicated member like Celtic, because as far CAG forums go. He is just as active as anyone else I see here.

    Now, lastly, I would like to suggest something about the promotion system. Because like I said, I've been through this before and this may be some helpful tips to solve this type of issue in the future. Leaving promotion in the palm of Leaders (Squad Leaders, etc.) creates a barrier. What it results in is the fact that people favor other people. For example, lets say D4rky's play time is from 5pm-9pm, and Kujeaux is on that same schedule. Well, because Celtic may not be on that schedule, D4rky and Kujeaux bond and develop a stronger relationship than D4rky and Celtic. Considering, D4rky is put in the position to promote for Fireteam Leaders (Or whatever), D4rky chooses Kujeaux because he feels closer to him. It may not seem that way to the leader promoting, but it happens subconsciously.

    How to Fix?
    Install and Leadership Vote system. Allow all the members in that division or game to cast a vote via the forums. Lets say you need 3 leaders, ask your poll question.

    Who should lead you in your BF4 Fireteam?
    • Member A
    • Member B
    • Member C
    • Member D
    • Member E
    Whoever qualifies should be placed in the poll. That way everyone feels that have had a fair shot at the position. Then let the members speak, and your top voted members receive the Leader spots.

    Obviously, this does not in anyway have to be install into CAG. It was just a simple solution to the same problems at XeC. I hope you guys work it out, I don't want to see good members go.


    Thank you AndoPro for you understanding what I'm saying and helping enlighten areas on this subject! I know understand why CAG CheechDogg has a lot of respect for you

    Thanks again CAG CelticSaint

    Sent from the Saint

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