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Thread: Well Goodbye Fellas

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  1. #51
    CelticSaint's Avatar
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Quote Originally Posted by andopro View Post
    Hey guys, I know this doesn't really pertain to myself, because I'm not 100% CAG Official. But, I have been a leader for the past 5-6 years and unfortunately I've seen this sort of thing multiple times. Eventually, we had to design a system that satisfies to entire community. From what I read, I can understand both sides of the party.

    Celtic, you've put in hard work and time that no-one can take away from you & feeling cheated or passed by when positions open feels downgrading. That is completely understandable, you wouldn't be human if you didn't or I would judge your humanity. But, like said before, why throw away everything you put forth? Do you think the members of CAG deserve your services for practically free? Because, in my opinion, that is what's happening. What's going to happen, a spot is going to open in a few days, weeks, month, and the only person that seems to fit will be you, but if you aren't here, then they will have to choose Joe Blow for that spot and you miss out. Thats my opinion on your situation.

    Moving to the other party, I believe you need to understand exactly how Celtic feels, and I'm not completely sure you guys do. The man is practically heart-broken because you would choose someone over him for whatever the reasons are. I don't know them, so I won't dwell on that much. Try to sympathize with him and completely understand where he is sitting, because ultimately you aren't there with him, and the easy decision is to blow it off and move on, but is it worth losing a respectable, honorable, and dedicated member like Celtic, because as far CAG forums go. He is just as active as anyone else I see here.

    Now, lastly, I would like to suggest something about the promotion system. Because like I said, I've been through this before and this may be some helpful tips to solve this type of issue in the future. Leaving promotion in the palm of Leaders (Squad Leaders, etc.) creates a barrier. What it results in is the fact that people favor other people. For example, lets say D4rky's play time is from 5pm-9pm, and Kujeaux is on that same schedule. Well, because Celtic may not be on that schedule, D4rky and Kujeaux bond and develop a stronger relationship than D4rky and Celtic. Considering, D4rky is put in the position to promote for Fireteam Leaders (Or whatever), D4rky chooses Kujeaux because he feels closer to him. It may not seem that way to the leader promoting, but it happens subconsciously.

    How to Fix?
    Install and Leadership Vote system. Allow all the members in that division or game to cast a vote via the forums. Lets say you need 3 leaders, ask your poll question.

    Who should lead you in your BF4 Fireteam?
    • Member A
    • Member B
    • Member C
    • Member D
    • Member E
    Whoever qualifies should be placed in the poll. That way everyone feels that have had a fair shot at the position. Then let the members speak, and your top voted members receive the Leader spots.

    Obviously, this does not in anyway have to be install into CAG. It was just a simple solution to the same problems at XeC. I hope you guys work it out, I don't want to see good members go.


    Thank you AndoPro for you understanding what I'm saying and helping enlighten areas on this subject! I know understand why CAG CheechDogg has a lot of respect for you

    Thanks again CAG CelticSaint

    Sent from the Saint

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  3. #52
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    As a person whom you don't know but I know your situation. I've been there and believe me, as other have stated just take a deep breath & chillax. I don't know the situation with the others and battlefield isn't my pay grade but when it comes to promotions bro, I've been in your shoes and quite frankly had I stuck it out like others have said I probably wouldn't have the situations happened that have happened, grown a pair and told ... never mind but yea man we're adults we make mistakes, stick it out fella.

    I've been here for a good while to know that CAG has gone thru hell & back and it's still standing.

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  4. The Following 5 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Randuken For This Fucking Post:

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  5. #53
    Pithy Kez's Avatar
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CelticSaint View Post
    That post had nothing to do with west and you had left already you were not there for the end of the dimebag match the tenth effin game where airmen josh thought it was cute to keep killing me when he was told to join our team and the reason why!! Why don't you ask pithy about it he was there and he got pissed off and yelled at airmenjosh not (wildwest)

    Sent from the Saint
    Yea its true i major raged at the kid becuase he refused to switch over even though he knew exaclly what we were doing beacuse he messaged on the forum post about going for the medal

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  6. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Pithy Kez For This Fucking Post:

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  7. #54
    DEF4LT515's Avatar
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    looks heres the deal, all of this was determined in a meeting with all the BF4 Officers. It was put to a vote to see who would be asked to become squad leaders. Once we had everything down i proceeded to contact the squad leader candidates to ask if they would accept and to give me a list of members who they wanted as fireteam leaders. So andpro we did put this to a vote, we did it methodically. For the honest truth celtic, your name did come up in the vote. However, with the recent thing with breaking the chain of command we felt that you were'nt quite ready.

    Im sorry if you feel that we are tossing you to the doggs, but let me tell you that is NOT what we are trying to do. I know with your current rank that you are eligible for more then was given but i want to see what you can do with being a fireteam leader. When i asked wild who he would want for FT leaders he instantly said you. So, this is a chance for you to earn some trust back in me and the rest of the officers of BF4. Do as you are told, follow the chain, and do your job as a fireteam leader, You will be alright. If anything, worry about having fun in the game more so then getting a promotion. yea its great but playing the game is much more satisfying when all of us in the lobby are enjoying a fun time in the game. Win or lose.

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  8. The Following 7 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to DEF4LT515 For This Fucking Post:

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  9. #55
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Quote Originally Posted by Pithy Kez View Post
    Yea its true i major raged at the kid becuase he refused to switch over even though he knew exaclly what we were doing beacuse he messaged on the forum post about going for the medal
    and yes celtic and pithy this i do agree on, if you guys agree to something like the dimebag medal or quarter pounder medal and one of you is not switching or helping the cause for personal or other reasons then this should have been run up the chain to be delt with. I am a guy who is willing to listen if i am given the chance and brought to me through the proper channels.

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  11. #56
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG D4RKY View Post
    and yes celtic and pithy this i do agree on, if you guys agree to something like the dimebag medal or quarter pounder medal and one of you is not switching or helping the cause for personal or other reasons then this should have been run up the chain to be delt with. I am a guy who is willing to listen if i am given the chance and brought to me through the proper channels.

    Well dont take offence but me or celtic telling u or anyone else who was not there at the time would have been kind of pointless as we would have still had to start it again.

    I understand were celtic is coming from on this simply coz when we tried to do that quater pounder we had to restart it 4 times before you joined each time getting 2-4 games into it kinda frustrating

    But still this thread is taking up too much drama, kinda hurt my brain watching you all toss one argument back and forth.


    I propose a compromise !!

    Celtic put your dummy back in and get back to playing with the clan

    CAG members quit making it worse


    CAG Staff kiss and make up.

    Yes Butts were hurt and now your all sore because of it so..... whats it going to be?
    Could take a leaf out of my book? =D
    A rank is just a rank personally not to sound selfish here but the only rank I care about is my own rank on BF4! simply coz I WANA BE THE VERY BEST LIKE NO O....... << yea fuck that crap

    Just be like me Celtic, I enjoy working with people to get medals dont know if anyones reaslied this yet but I have helped more people get medals / marksman then I have done my own medals xD

    And if you all dont cuddle and make up one of you will be changing my Ban-aids and oh you know which ones i mean =D

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  12. The Following 5 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Pithy Kez For This Fucking Post:

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  13. #57
    CAG Archangel's Avatar
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Hopefully there has been time now for a rethink and for the situation to calm.

    Personally, I've not heard much yet about the restructure for whiskey 2nd platoon and in whose squad I sit...just so long as I get to play with CAG and continue having the fun I've been having for the last month or so. I just wish I could play more with the people I see here a lot on the forums but that's just not possible at the moment. I play with my 360 CAG friends regularly and our aim is always to have fun...I consider these guys to be genuine friends now (presumptive perhaps) but I would never have met you awesome people without CAG.

    So CelticSaint my good man, I truly hope you've slept on this situation and have fresh eyes today and shit can be worked out. Do you really wanna be changing Pithy's band aids??

    CAG for sickness and in health and all that. ;-)

    sent from the edge of your perception
    Last edited by CAG Archangel; January 24th, 2014 at 02:34 AM.

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  15. #58
    WildW3st21's Avatar
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    I kinda wanna change pithys band aids...and not quick either, slow so it's hurts the whole time lol

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  16. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to WildW3st21 For This Fucking Post:

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  17. #59
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    sounds kinky west =D

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  19. #60
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    Re: Well Goodbye Fellas

    Just so all of you guys know, I have been following this thread but have decided to keep my nose out of it. But I will saythis; because I am the Leader of CAG.

    CAG is all about respect, loyalty and sportsmanship, nevertheless I will never expect for another member of the clan to just lay on his back, take it easy or give us free kills in order to complete or earn an award or medal. However, the member who was on the other side of this team trying to get said medal/award should of been sent a message or been told if he had not already been told that you guys were going for what ever medal/award you guys were shooting for.

    This is why "WE" on the COD side make it very clear that you are not to join a game in which you see other clan members playing especially if you end up on the other team or side. If the member here was not aware of what was going on, how in the hell could he of possibly know what was going on.

    On COD we also have a term we use, "community service" where if we have a full lobby and a member is not opposed to possibly getting his/her ass whooped or the full CAG squad getting possibly fucked with for what ever reason, then its game time.

    As to what happened with the promotion, the officers involved in this promotion case have been here for several months and understand what the process of promotions is like. Many of them saw plenty of time pass by before they even saw a promotion and some of them promoted faster than others for what ever reason.

    I trust the officers I have put in place to make decisions for CAG at their own discretion will make the best decisions, if and when a vote is needed on something regardless of what it is, it will be done using a vote.

    I am not taking sides here but "EVERYONE" needs to understand that CAG is a Family and even in Families we don't always get what we want and some will get something the might not always deserve for what ever reason.

    @ Celtic - My Man, what I am going to say to you I hope you take it as constructive criticism, if you so chose not to and you are insulted or butt hurt after what I have posted then so be it.

    You came on here a couple weeks ago and posted a warning to all members of the BF Brigade and you did it with conviction. Some did not like it but you got my approval within minutes of you posting that warning. I saw something in you with that thread that not many people have or are even willing to display not only in real life but here in a clan; a mother fucking backbone!

    You took the fucking initiative and displayed great leadership qualities, a fucking back bone and you didn't give a fuck what anyone thought, that is CAG's rules and you made it your business to make sure others knew what we require.

    I then saw your forum activity, your time in the clan, how you interact with other CAG Doggs and the feedback, great praise from others about you and how you handle and carry yourself on xbl and "I" said, "shit, this guy is a motherfucking CAG Dogg, the fucking kind I want to represent CAG" and I promoted you!

    It fucking disappoints me to see you react this way over the decision of your officers regarding a promotion and then from what I personally think, you throwing in a spin, a twist on things and try to say that this is not about a promotion but about the rules and requirements for promotions. You see what I am seeing here?

    Darky hit it right on the head that you need to prove to him that you are ready, if he feels you are not ready for what ever reason then you should take that as "constructive criticism" and say "fuck yeah Bro, thanks, I will work on what needs to be worked on and I will get that promotion next time" or something like that.

    Celtic and every member of CAG, these officers have gone through it all, they now see how "I" personally handle promotions and what I look for when I am ready to promote. Just so everyone knows and understands I will give you all a quick rundown.

    I fucking hate people who ask for promotions especially if they have already been promoted. If a promotion or position needs to be filled right away or we as the co-leaders fill we need to fill a position up, we make sure we post it on the forums. That is why "I" tell everyone and make it a fucking point on our application that forum activity is important and a requirement!

    Just like in the real world with your jobs, people who ask for promotions prematurely are the ones who maybe 90% of the time are not ready for one. While that person might work their asses off and they themselves feel like they are doing everything possible to get a promotion, their superiors whether a manager, supervisor, coah or owner of what ever the organization is, they are in the position they are in to determine when a person deserves or is ready for a promotion.

    It could be something as small as rolling your eyes, throwing a tempter tantrum, quitting a game early, reacting a certain way to orders or situations in a game or at work to keeping your composure at its highest degree possible during situations where it is absolutely necessary to keep it in order to properly function not just as an individual but as a team.

    Celtic, you have already seen quite the drama unfold here in CAG since you joined and in spite of it all you always said you were loyal and understand with what happens in CAG. Unless you want to keep jumping form clan to clan and always be in an uncertain situation from clan to clan, I really suggest that you reconsider your decision here Bro.

    Nothing is given away in CAG, it is earned and it is earned the hard way. Even the trust you guys have in me has to be earned by me from every single one of you guys and the best way for me to do so is to trust you guys that every decision and action you guys make is going to be with CAG's reputation and best interest ahead of anything else especially your own interests as individuals.

    With that said, I am done here. I am not going to tell anyone what they need to do here but I hope everyone now understands a little more what is expected and why it is that we do things the way we do things here in CAG.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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