well as all of you in the BF Division know there have been a lot of promotions lately and as a result of this most of the squad leaders have moved up.
D4rky has asked me to be the Alpha Squad Leader, so now we need some Fireteam Leaders. Alpha will primarily be a XB1 US/Canadia squad. this in mind i would like Celtic, Nesticles and West to be my 3 Fireteam leaders based upon your length of time within CAG and your forum activity.
should you all accept this position as Fireteam Leaders your duties will be to first select your Fireteam. keep your selections to XB1 players and try to select people you play with.
you will also help recruits with their Marksman, naturally confirm any games, mentor them in the way we operate within CAG (including making sure they have read and understand the Chain of Command and Code of Conduct, understand how to use and operate the forums, answer any questions they may have and if your not sure of answers fire me a PM or message on XBox) and as always stay active on the forums.