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Thread: CAG Opportunity

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  1. #1
    andopro's Avatar
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    March 20th, 2025
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    CAG Opportunity

    Hello CAG! I'm going to get straight to the point. My name is Andy, gamertag Andopro, but you can call me Ando or Pro. I've actually known your leader Cheechdogg back when he first started CAG. Anyways, I am the leader/owner of a Playstation/PC Gaming Community, Xe Combat Force is the name. It was est. back in 2009 and has been going strong, until a few months ago. As members got busy, and consumed by their lives, we have decided that, we the leaders, just didn't have enough time in the day to manage a whole community. Considering majority of the members that slacked off, were leaders. It left our community just fizzling out.

    [Xe Combat Force Track Record]

    • Active & Successful Community ran for 5 years with Great Leadership.
    • 150+ Members
    • Featured Community Website on
    • Placed 2nd in the PS3 BF3 2013 FraggedNation Battlebowl
    • Close member relationships (A lot of personal friends from Louisiana)
    • Members from around the world. (US, Ireland, UK, India, Australia)

    So here is our proposal...

    We are looking to merge with another community. Woah, I know, you all probably have had terrible experiences with clan merging, because we have. But, in this case, our goal is to make things as simple as possible. You don't have to worry about use trying to keep our community name, and things like that. We understand the meaning behind "clan merging" and we understand the community that is merging has to sacrifice some things, which we are willing to do.

    Xe Combat Force leaders, the ones that are left, are looking for a place where our community members can call home. A community, well established, and willing to take in some "refugees". Treated with respect of course, while we return that same respect.

    [CAGs Opportunity]
    Here, I know that CAGs Playstation Divisions are slim to none, from what I here around by talking to CAG current members. Which is fine, because we were a dominant PS community. I see an opportunity for CAG here, and you may be asking where?

    • Our members are fitted for Playstation. (Currently we are all transitioning into PS4)
    • 15-25 members would converge to CAG.
    • We are dominant on Battlefield 4. (Most members are top 5 ranked in their State)
    • We have years of Leadership experience.
    • We have contacts within FraggedNation.

    So, according to what we have to offer, and to my professional opinion. We could help take CAG to the next level, by establishing a solid Playstation Division. While doing so, it give our members a active community to be apart of.

    I have already mentioned this to Cheech & twofkbrotal. I just thought this would be interesting conversation for the community to share their ideas. I hope you guys enjoy the read. Look forward to playing with you someday.


    CAG Dogg Level: 28 [?]
    Experience: 189,913
    Next Level: 195,661

  2. The Following 8 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to andopro For This Fucking Post:

    BIG COUNTRY (January 15th, 2014),BlameItOnGod13 (January 15th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (January 15th, 2014),CAG Covieleader (January 16th, 2014),CelticSaint (January 15th, 2014),Emperor XIX (January 15th, 2014),nadav22 (January 17th, 2014),Wolfhunter0313 (January 18th, 2014)

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