I'm game Saturday I'll set some time aside we got dis guys
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Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
Sorry boys im snowmobiling then going out on the town
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Sorry guys took on another job so ant got a lotta time at minute
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Well, I hate Murphy's law...of course the worst possible scenario that could have happened, did. Good luck Pithy, Kuj, Celtic, Piss and D4RKY hope u get that 25! I guess there's always another time...
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CelticSaint (January 18th, 2014),Nesty (January 18th, 2014),pisspawz (January 18th, 2014)
Pithy lost connection so we quit lol
Sent from the Saint
CelticSaint (January 19th, 2014)
CelticSaint (January 19th, 2014)