Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
breaksk81 (January 13th, 2014)
Kujeaux (January 13th, 2014)
I think for the dime bag you should have just that a bunch of dimes coming out of a small brown coin purse. For the 50 one we could do a half dollar the same way. You could also do just the coins with a skull on one side and crossed guns with some branches in the background. I can draw up a rough sketch if you need me to.
The Matador is in flying the colors
pisspawz (January 14th, 2014)
I put this thread up for you guys to just post your ideas, there just ideas here so your COC shouldnt have a problem with you posting them here. if youd like to try and implement something into the company then yes you should use your COC
pisspawz (January 14th, 2014)
pisspawz (January 14th, 2014)