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Thread: BF4 Vehicles Loadout Guide Pt 2

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  1. #1
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Wilkes Burrr

    BF4 Vehicles Loadout Guide Pt 2

    in this part i'm going to go over my suggested loadouts for Fast Attack Craft, Scout and Attack Choppers.

    Fast Attack Craft
    Primary - 30MM Cannon
    a case could be made for the Burst Cannon but it's usless against all form's of ground vehicles.
    Secondary - TV Missile
    TOW Missiles aren't a bad option but TV Missile's do far more damage and are better for mid to long range target's. i stay away from Passive Radar Missile's because it leave's you useless against ground vehicles and on most maps there are more ground vehicles than air.
    Countermeasure - Active Protection
    surprise surprise another loadout using Active Protection... again, when used properly it will keep you alive when you should be dead.
    Optics - Zoom Optics

    Scout Helicopters
    Primary -
    25MM Cannon
    obvious choice. you don't get unlimited ammo but 7.62 miniguns literally don't do damage against any ground vehicles.
    Secondary Weapon - Heatseekers or Laser Guided Missile
    the choice here is dictated by how the round is playing out. if air vehicles are really fucking you up go Heatseekers. if your handling them just fine and your teammates are doing their job, Laser Guided. if your lucky and you have some Lasing choppers you can use Laser Guided all the time.
    Countermeasure - IR Flare (for now)
    i'm not sure if ECM Jammer isn't working properly or i'm just not using them properly but when i hit them before a missile lands i am still taking the hit. if it is a bug and it gets fixed ECM will again be the way to go.
    Upgrade - Air Radar
    this will help you know where all other air vehicles are and which way they are facing. what you want to do is if your countermeasures are recharging gain as much altitude as possible. before the missile hits let go off the sticks until the rotor comes back online. use the same technique with Attack Choppers

    Attack Helicopter
    Primary - Hydra Rocket
    i haven't messed with the Smart Rocket yet but Hydra's are working just fine. if it isn't broke, don't fix it.
    Secondary - Heatseeker
    i haven't messed with TOW Missiles at all but i can't see them being a viable option against other choppers or ground targets.
    Countermeasure - IR Flare
    same situation as the scout chopper.
    Upgrade - Air Radar
    same situation as scout chopper.

    Attack Helicopter - Gunner
    Secondary - TV Missile

    if your having a very hard time with TV Missile then use Laser Guided. but you should be using TV Missile. they do far more damage and you can take out all other types of vehicles.
    Gunner Optics - Gunner Thermal
    this will allow to see enemy soliders when you can't seem to find anyone. now, it seems like you have to be a little closer to the ground to see things otherwise it is a big blur. if that is the case then spam the spot button until you find targets.
    Gunner Upgrade - Belt Feeder
    obvious choice.

    Attack Helicopter Tactics
    now that helicopters helplessly float to the ground after taking a hit you need to play far more defensively as a pilot and count on your gunner. the gunner should also be the one getting all the kills. as a pilot, if your the one with more kills your playing far too aggressively and your going to get you and your gunner killed. remember to aim at your target when your setting the gunner up for a TV Missile.

    Gunner Tactics and TV Missile Tactics
    always be spamming your spot bottom between engagements. when using your TV Missile you need to aim at where you think the other vehicle will be. lead more for choppers, slightly less for IFVs and even less for Tanks. no one will be good at TV Missile's right off the bat. the key is, like anything else in Battlefield practice practice practice. you also want to make very small "taps" on the left stick when directing the missile. if you hold the stick in any direction your going to miss by a mile. the same applies for TV Missile's on the Fast Attack Craft. turning your sensitivity down used to help a lot in BF3. i haven't had the chance to extensively test it on BF4.

    the key to a good attack chopper team is communication from both the pilot and gunner, and again practice practice practice.

    also, when you are a gunner and spawn in you want to fire a shot to start the reloading cycle and have more bullets available overall. the same applies to the IFV main gun, Fast Attack Craft main gun and the Scout choppers 25MM Cannon. always keep an eye on your ammo count and get used to doing this. it may be the difference between living and getting a kill or an epic fail.
    Last edited by BlameItOnGod13; January 8th, 2014 at 12:06 AM.

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