Ok whiskey company after a little dependency with a few things i wanna clear something up. When recruits are added to a fireteam and squad it is their job to add the members in that fireteam to their friends list. I have a squad roster for that exact reason. And when your fireteam leader says for you to jump off a tower with c4 in hand to blow up a tank. I expect you to do so no questions asked. Follow your ranking CAG members orders!!!!
Also i have been noticing some of us remaining on the opposite team when playing with other CAG's. And im not talking for one game or two. More like the entire game session. Now i know its somtimes hard to switch teams but its not for 10 games in a row. CAG's run together, not against unless we are practicing or ect. So take this as a warning. CAG's win together and lose together.
Third thingy, MDG HAWKEYE and Infected u have been removed from the roster for inactivity and no response from messages. Not gonna waste our time anymore. Also i need to hear from ShhiftyX , stickywicket and Emperor XIX . All three of which have not been on the forums since the middle of November and i have had no contact on xbl. I need you guys to contact these members and get their head out of their butts.
So, with that said. The Whiskey roster has been updated, and have kinda upgraded so that each members name can be clicked on to go to their profiles. Also so that if their name changes for any reason ex. (name change, inactivity, promotion) it'll auto correct. Again Make sure you guys update your profiles if need be and are adding who you need too. If you have any questions ask your ranking fireteam/squad leaders.