I have submitted mine but have not received any awards that I'm aware of, I have confirmation but that's all.
Keep your teammates close and your Dog Tags closer or I will STEAL your TAGS
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I have submitted mine but have not received any awards that I'm aware of, I have confirmation but that's all.
Keep your teammates close and your Dog Tags closer or I will STEAL your TAGS
Go to your profile or on this thread in the left side under your name you'll see your awards
Sent from skull island
CAG JB (December 23rd, 2013)
Mine shows nothing?
Keep your teammates close and your Dog Tags closer or I will STEAL your TAGS
Ok then the awards haven't been processed just yet so please be patient
Sent from skull island
Yea no problem, you said Sundays are award days so I figured I would check
Keep your teammates close and your Dog Tags closer or I will STEAL your TAGS
CAG Archangel (December 23rd, 2013)
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