Well guys I bought myself XB1 today but the boss (wifey) said I can't open it till Xmas day
Sent from skull island
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Well guys I bought myself XB1 today but the boss (wifey) said I can't open it till Xmas day
Sent from skull island
BIG COUNTRY (December 19th, 2013),CAG Archangel (December 18th, 2013),CAG JB (December 18th, 2013),CelticSaint (December 18th, 2013),Eagle7 (December 18th, 2013),kenpachi (December 18th, 2013),Kujeaux (December 18th, 2013),nadav22 (December 19th, 2013)
Lmao I tried but she said fuck no
Sent from skull island
Tell her you need to set it up cause there's a bunch of updates and settings, it takes a couple hours so use it to your advantage lol. Look at your wife say babe I need to set up the xb1 it has a couple hours worth of updates settings and registering otherwise I won't get to play it on Xmas that you would spend all the time setting it up lol that's what I told my wife and after everything was done she told me to go head and play
Keep your teammates close and your Dog Tags closer or I will STEAL your TAGS
BLKHawkIrish86 (December 19th, 2013),pisspawz (December 18th, 2013)
You got to work on your negotiation skills lmao my xb1 was supposed to be my gift as well but I talked my wife into letting me play it lol
Keep your teammates close and your Dog Tags closer or I will STEAL your TAGS
Kujeaux (December 18th, 2013)
pisspawz (December 18th, 2013)
Kujeaux (December 19th, 2013)
BIG COUNTRY (December 19th, 2013),kenpachi (December 19th, 2013),pisspawz (December 19th, 2013)
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