Post your information for your Battlefield Marksman.
Sent from behind you with a knife snatching your dog tags
Sorry just experimenting with phone lol
Sent from behind you with a knife snatching your dog tags
Sent from behind you with a knife snatching your dog tags
Ggrr wtf every time I copy and paste it takes it to battle login???
Sent from behind you with a knife snatching your dog tags
As of last night I should have my marksman completed I just have to update thread this weekend when I'm on thanks to kujeaux and D4rky for the help it's much appreciated
Keep your teammates close and your Dog Tags closer or I will STEAL your TAGS
CAG Archangel (December 18th, 2013),kenpachi (December 18th, 2013)
Lol yea I was coming for the tags a second time lmao. You like the new signature I figured it fit my playing style. You should see how I got d4rkys tags it was epic watch the clip I recorded
Keep your teammates close and your Dog Tags closer or I will STEAL your TAGS
CAG Archangel (December 18th, 2013)
pisspawz (December 18th, 2013)
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