About to watch the Hobbit soon will let you know how it is in about 3 hours or so.
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About to watch the Hobbit soon will let you know how it is in about 3 hours or so.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537
Thats the only one i havent watched but loved the lord of the rings are they coming out with another hobbit?
Well they are making the entire Hobbit book into 3 movies and this is the second. The thrid comes out sometime over the summer I believe.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537
l SL1M l (December 13th, 2013)
Well the movie was awesome and a must see if you have seen the first movie (The Hobbit), or if you are into Lord of the Rings you should check out these movie but start from the beginning. It was good in that it didn't seem like 2 hr and 50 min, and when it ended you wanted it to continue.
l SL1M l (December 13th, 2013),MYKMANSUN77 (January 24th, 2014)
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