Add me too bud i play with pawzz n john and a few people from that list has well play alot with eagle too
Colonel suaveee
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Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
Bf3 and bf4 for Xbox 360 and bf4 for xbox1.
C'mon guys, we need to reply if we also have bf3 for Xbox360.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but we don't turn away recruits because they don't have bf4 yet and only have bf3.
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kenpachi (December 11th, 2013)
Out of everyone in whiskey there's is only 4-5 people who play on xb1 everyone else is still on 360 my self included so I don't see why you leave because no body is on 360? Go through the roster and add add add
Sent from skull island
CAG CheechDogg (December 11th, 2013),CAG JB (December 11th, 2013),Eagle7 (December 12th, 2013),kenpachi (December 11th, 2013)
CAG CheechDogg (December 11th, 2013),CAG JB (December 11th, 2013),kenpachi (December 11th, 2013),pisspawz (December 11th, 2013)
CAG JB (December 11th, 2013)
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