Here is another article about another camo pack, this one for your Guard Dog !
‘Guard Dog Skin’ called ‘The Wolf’ coming to Ghosts for $3 – UPDATE
By Keshav on December 9, 2013
A new image has appeared online on Reddit which suggests a new skin that can be added to the guard dog in Ghosts will be available for $3 in the near future. This new skin can be added to the guard dog only in MP.
At this time we don’t know if this part of a bigger micro items plan like black ops 2, or just a one time thing.
UPDATE: According to the user who posted this on Reddit (beta_crater), these skins will be available on Xbox 360 starting December 12th at GameStop. If so, we should expect an announcement in the near future.
SOURCE: Reddit via @LiamFTWinter