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Thread: Testing New Canned Reply Do Not Post !!!

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    BIG COUNTRY's Avatar
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    Testing New Canned Reply Do Not Post !!!

    How To Make Your Marksmen/sharpshooter/expert Award Thread .

    First . Finding the right forum

    From the forums main page go to the thread marked Awards , Badges , Metals and Ribbons . Click on it . From here you need to click on the thread that applies to witch award you are going for . BF recruits/members go to BF threads and COD recruits/members go to COD threads . Once you are in the thread that applies to the award you are going for you need to start a new thread .

    Second . Creating a thread for the award you are going for so it can be confirmed by a full member.

    Once you are in the thread that applies to the award you are going for . In the top right just above the thread body you will see a tab that reads " + post new thread " click on it . Once in the new thread page you will see a spot at the top that reads "title" , here is where the name of the thread is going to be put in . You mush have you username/gamertag in the title . See example below ↓ . Next is the body of the thread . In here is where your date , map , kd and witness gos . Also see example below ↓ . Once you have entered all your info click on submit new thread . You have now made your award thread .

    Rember all games on COD side must be witnessed by a full member . BF guys get with you fire teamleaders for more info on that . Also there are two ways of going about entering this info on your awards thread . You can right them down and keep track of them and once you have them all completed make your thread . Or input them as you go . And fellas wait to get your games confirmed befor you apply for your award



    CAG BIG COUNTRY'S entry marksmen


    GAG GypsyOutlaw , CAG CheechDogg , CAG Covileader

    CAG Lucid , CAG GypsyOutlaw

    Thank You ,
    Lieutenant Colonel
    COD Battalion Commander

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
    Experience: 19,932,331
    Next Level: 22,308,442


  2. #2
    CAG Stud
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    Re: Testing New Canned Reply Do Not Post !!!

    Welcome to Alpha Company!!

    Hello recruit! First off I want to thank you for choosing CAG as your clan of choice. We would like to invite you to browse the forums and read over some things in the process. There is A LOT of information within the forums. Everything from new games to clan activities. The first thing that I would like to let you know that to rank up here you WILL have to be active on the forums. This means even just browsing the forums AND reading them. The more active you are the easier it will be to rank up. This is all covered within our Chain of Command and our Ranking and Promotions page (these are hyper-links to the page), please read these. As they will help you around here. We take this Chain of Command seriously around here. You are to follow it to the T by never going above the next person above you in your Chain of Command. Which will be explained to you upon meeting your sponsor.

    The next thing that I would like you to look through and read is our Code of Conduct (again hyper-link to page). We hold this in a higher regard than the Chain of Command. These are the fundamentals of what we all stand for as CAG DOGGS. You follow these Codes and it will better your experience here. You don't follow these Codes and there will be consequences depending on the infraction. These Codes are what keep this clan STRONG and UNITED.

    A sponsor will be with you as soon as they can. Until then please add the following people to your friend list on Xbox live, and on the forums:
    CAG Covieleader
    CAG Silent

    ParchedLearner2(forums username)/ xParchx
    (Please send a message to all parties letting them know you are new recruit)
    There will be somethings they will need to tell you before you become a full fledged member. Until then please make your self comfortable here. Maybe even introduce (there should already be a thread with your name under this sub-forum) yourself to the whole clan. We are a multi system and game community here, and we consider everyone a part of our CAG family. You can meet a lot of people on the site (even in our chat bar).

    You will be asked to utilize this page for any questions or concerns. Below are some of those things you will need after your sponsor gets with you. First off, how to post your marksman games will be the first thing that is covered.

    To begin you need to find this page COD Marksman. Next you will click on a option that will look like +Post New Thread. Next you will be taken to a new page, and on this page you will have to make a title for your post and a body. Now this is the crucial part. If you mess this up you WILL have to redo it. In your title please put your Username on the site followed by the work Marksman. This will ensure those that verify your games, and those that verify awards, will be able to find easily. Again if you don't do this correctly you will have to start all over again. Now for you body of the message. Read the following for the explanation:

    15-4 (K/D ratio)
    Stonehaven (Map)
    CAG Vigilant (Full CAG member to confirm game)

    After you post this kindly remind the person that will confirm your game to PLEASE do so. This will be the same format for all of your weapon badges.

    The next tidbit of information is on how to change your profile to match our Company. We have a Main Roster that has filtering options. One of these will be Company or Platoon. This will show you all of the members that have updated their profiles to show they are in Alpha Company. If you would please follow these instructions as follows:

    Scroll up to the top of the page
    Then access the Settings page
    Next you will be taken to a page that shows your personal referral link
    Look to the left hand side of the page and you will see an option to Edit Profile
    Once you click on that you will be taken to page where you edit many things dealing with your profile
    Scroll down and you will see a option to pick what headset you are using
    Shortly after that you will see an option to change your COMPANY/PLATOON/SQUAD
    For now you will need to only select the Company (which will be ALPHA)
    Your sponsor will inform you when you will have to finish changing the rest of it.

    Again all of us here in Alpha Company want to thank you for choosing to game with us and become a part of our big family. We hope your time here is fruitful and joyful. Again if you have any questions or concerns please either follow your Chain of Command or post them here.

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
    Experience: 19,932,331
    Next Level: 22,308,442


  3. #3
    GypsyOutlaw's Avatar
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    North Carolina
    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Re: Testing New Canned Reply Do Not Post !!!

    I see it I see it lol

    CAG GypsyOutlaw
    Division Comander
    Loyalty Honor Respect

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
    Experience: 21,578,006
    Next Level: 22,308,442


  4. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to GypsyOutlaw For This Fucking Post:

    BIG COUNTRY (February 26th, 2014)

  5. #4
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re: Testing New Canned Reply Do Not Post !!!

    You need to remove Vigilant from that canned reply ....
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 288,524,186
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  6. #5
    CAG Stud
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    Re: Testing New Canned Reply Do Not Post !!!

    I will friday cheech I dont have my laptop with me . To reply to these new apps coming in for 360 ghost I have to copy and paste them from tapatalk , if I use the phones browser it will not let me access the canned replys to add them to a post . I have the option but it will not move it to the post body .

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
    Experience: 19,932,331
    Next Level: 22,308,442


  7. #6
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
    Rep Points: 670958
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    February 11th, 2025
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    06:38 AM
    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re: Testing New Canned Reply Do Not Post !!!

    Hm...weird...who are you replacing vigilant with? I can make the change myself ...
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 288,524,186
    Next Level: 305,690,101


  8. #7
    CAG Stud
    BIG COUNTRY's Avatar
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    Re: Testing New Canned Reply Do Not Post !!!

    How about now , look better ?

    Welcome to Alpha Company!!

    Hello recruit! First off I want to thank you for choosing CAG as your clan of choice. We would like to invite you to browse the forums and read over some things in the process. There is A LOT of information within the forums. Everything from new games to clan activities. The first thing that I would like to let you know that to rank up here you WILL have to be active on the forums. This means even just browsing the forums AND reading them. The more active you are the easier it will be to rank up. This is all covered within our Chain of Command and our Ranking and Promotions page (these are hyper-links to the page), please read these. As they will help you around here. We take this Chain of Command seriously around here. You are to follow it to the T by never going above the next person above you in your Chain of Command. Which will be explained to you upon meeting your sponsor.

    The next thing that I would like you to look through and read is our Code of Conduct (again hyper-link to page). We hold this in a higher regard than the Chain of Command. These are the fundamentals of what we all stand for as CAG DOGGS. You follow these Codes and it will better your experience here. You don't follow these Codes and there will be consequences depending on the infraction. These Codes are what keep this clan STRONG and UNITED.

    A sponsor will be with you as soon as they can. Until then please add the following people to your friend list on Xbox live, and on the forums:
    CAG Covieleader
    CAG Silent

    ParchedLearner2(forums username)/ xParchx
    (Please send a message to all parties letting them know you are new recruit)
    There will be somethings they will need to tell you before you become a full fledged member. Until then please make your self comfortable here. Maybe even introduce (there should already be a thread with your name under this sub-forum) yourself to the whole clan. We are a multi system and game community here, and we consider everyone a part of our CAG family. You can meet a lot of people on the site (even in our chat bar).

    You will be asked to utilize this page for any questions or concerns. Below are some of those things you will need after your sponsor gets with you. First off, how to post your marksman games will be the first thing that is covered.

    To begin you need to find this page COD Marksman. Next you will click on a option that will look like +Post New Thread. Next you will be taken to a new page, and on this page you will have to make a title for your post and a body. Now this is the crucial part. If you mess this up you WILL have to redo it. In your title please put your Username on the site followed by the work Marksman. This will ensure those that verify your games, and those that verify awards, will be able to find easily. Again if you don't do this correctly you will have to start all over again. Now for you body of the message. Read the following for the explanation:

    15-4 (K/D ratio)
    Stonehaven (Map)
    CAG Silent (Full CAG member to confirm game)

    After you post this kindly remind the person that will confirm your game to PLEASE do so. This will be the same format for all of your weapon badges.

    The next tidbit of information is on how to change your profile to match our Company. We have a Main Roster that has filtering options. One of these will be Company or Platoon. This will show you all of the members that have updated their profiles to show they are in Alpha Company. If you would please follow these instructions as follows:

    Scroll up to the top of the page
    Then access the Settings page
    Next you will be taken to a page that shows your personal referral link
    Look to the left hand side of the page and you will see an option to Edit Profile
    Once you click on that you will be taken to page where you edit many things dealing with your profile
    Scroll down and you will see a option to pick what headset you are using
    Shortly after that you will see an option to change your COMPANY/PLATOON/SQUAD
    For now you will need to only select the Company (which will be ALPHA)
    Your sponsor will inform you when you will have to finish changing the rest of it.

    Again all of us here in Alpha Company want to thank you for choosing to game with us and become a part of our big family. We hope your time here is fruitful and joyful. Again if you have any questions or concerns please either follow your Chain of Command or post them here.

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
    Experience: 19,932,331
    Next Level: 22,308,442


  9. #8
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
    Rep Points: 670958
    Rep Power: 11174
    This member is currently
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    February 11th, 2025
    Local Time
    06:38 AM
    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Re: Testing New Canned Reply Do Not Post !!!

    Yeeerp...good shit! thanks !!!
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 288,524,186
    Next Level: 305,690,101


  10. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    BIG COUNTRY (February 26th, 2014)

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