Hey guys gonna be updating this thread with my reviews of the overall xbox one from system to controller to the interface and all the games I have. Ill try to update this as much as I can for you guys. If you have any questions about anything that I haven't listed feel free to ask as I am only posting a general review of everything.
XBOX ONE Controller:
XBOX ONE Home Screen:
Ryse Son of Rome: A
Forza: B
Forza never disappoints from its amazing graphics to its great racing feel and customization options it is highly recommended for those racing fans and/or people whow ant a smooth easy to handle racing game. Attached below is some gameplay and me scrolling through the menus a bit to show you quick view of Forza.
Battlefield 4: Coming Soon
Dead Rising 3: Coming Soon
Call Of Duty Ghosts: C
Overall COD Ghosts on the 360 and Xbox one are the same exact game the only difference is that the graphics are better and it has Ground war allowing 9 vs. 9 so the bigger maps are a little better. Other than that it is the same exact game. The feel of the game movements and physics feels the same maybe a little smoother but isn't noticeable.
The one positive I would say is that these are dedicated servers as the hit marker system is more accurate in registering your shots. Ive been getting less hit markers and my bullets do register alot better. Overall I am disappointed in this COD and am counting down the days for Treyarch to bounce back and make a real net gen COD in less than a year lol
Killer Instinct:
Fifa 14: