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This will be the forums for the new Call of Duty Ghosts to be released soon.
As the maps are set up with different utilities and infrastructure . The most points is always going to be water look at hunted on the aqueduct . It pays the most points .
If you look at it like what you need in real life that's the way the points are set up it looks like to me .
Just an FYI, during clan wars, you guys may directly invite members to the Clan without them having to get their Marksman Badge. If you guys see someone who is a hard worker and has been playing with you guys or you guy see someone who you guys think can be a great asset to the clan, recruit him and have one of the commanders send him a clan invite.
They must still register on the site and will have only 3 days to come on the site, register and fill out an application. Once they do, we will add them as a Private 1st Class and one of yous need to submit a recommendation for their Dogg Ribbon so I can add them to the roster.
jDIAMOND (November 28th, 2013)
We need to work on Core TDM and now! Brothers are pushing hard to take it over, they are ahead with 110 wins, we have 49 wins and only have 4 members playing it! Lets get on this you guys, its up for grabs and we need to get these points or they will keep on racking those points up!
I renamed this thread so we can use it to keep everyone updated on what is going on and what we need to do on clan wars. Make sure you guys check this thread regularly during the day every day!
BIG COUNTRY (November 28th, 2013),PATRON (November 28th, 2013)
I am done with clan wars lol...I don't like COD period and I am busting my ass playing every fucking game mode while others are crying and bitching about playing core, kill confirmed or what ever the game mode they don't like playing may me.
This is a clan event, every clan member should be willing to help out whether they like the game mode or not and if they don't they should be teaming up with a squad that plays their game type to keep our points up and I am not seeing any of that shit right now.
Who ever wants to play ghosts with me fine but I am done with this shit, we could of secured core tdm last night but everyone was bitching and crying about it how much they fucking hated core.
I will be playing HC TDM and keep adding points for that node only, lets see who won't bitch and cry about that ....
AGC Ninja (November 28th, 2013)
Cranked is open and CAG is at 37 of 60 wins, it should be ours within the next 30 mins or so..
HC KC is also open and CAG is at 7 wins with TPS at 31, it doesn't look like they are even playing so the HCKC squad should take this over in the next hour or so as well.
AGC Ninja (November 28th, 2013),BRuTe Ninja XD (November 29th, 2013)
I've played every game mode that clan wars has to offer .
I think the next war we will have a better idea of what to do .
This past week has been in my opinion has been the worst I've seen for hacked lobbies and people modding .
I'm not a fan of core but when it comes to working together to accomplish a goal we all need to be team players .
The first clan war is over now . So lets all chill for a bit and think about how we are going to tackle the next one .
First clan war is over and we came in 2nd .
So no bonus for holding down anything from what I see so far .
More info to come stay tuned .
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