So already a few people are reporting failures with the xbox one's disk tray and it not being able to read brand new games, check it out ! WOW !
Seems like MS support is already getting flooded with calls of DOA xbox ones !
November 22, 2013 at 9:15 am
First Xbox One hardware failures are being reported
The first Xbox Ones have now hit customers hands and obviously a big worry is whether or not Microsoft has learned from the last generation and will be shipping rock solid day one hardware this time around.
The PlayStation 4 was subjected to a brief panic after release when reports of faulty consoles came flooding in. However after that first week those reports died down and Sony now states their failure rate is under 1% which is excellent.
It’s way too early to see if Microsoft has a similar failure rate but the first failures are being reported with one console apparently arriving with a broken external power supply and one not being able to perform its mandatory day one update.
The video above is actually quite scary.
As you may or may not know the Xbox One needs a day one update to actually work and this gentleman from Australia is trying to do that. He has broadband at home and the console says the network connectivity is perfect but yet it can’t update.
And without that update you seriously can not do a single thing on the machine which is absolutely ridiculous.
Thankfully we aren’t getting ours this year and I’m truly hoping this day one update nonsense is gone from the versions we get because I can only just imagine how many people out there aren’t aware of this requirement and have just bought themselves a massively expensive door stop. 2 reported issues means nothing yet though, we need to wait a few days to see if these issues are a sign of bigger problems to come.
Oh, here’s more.
Here’s one that doesn’t want t accept discs.
And here’s one that got a user banned after doing an Emergency Offline Update.
[Update] The official Xbox One support forum is starting to get a lot of complaints about the Optical Drive failure and it sounds terminal. If you drive makes a crunching noise then phone Microsoft and get them to send out a coffin. Nothing is going to fix it.