Roger that
Game news, updates and community announcements on BF3 and BF4
Sorry can't make it no internet I got a wifi signal from a library around the corner last night but it was laggy as fuck
Sent from underneath a boulder
Kujeaux (January 25th, 2014)
pisspawz (January 26th, 2014)
Sad hear D4RKY leaving CAG due to his new job. Best of Luck on his new job. Officer meeting Monday 8pm eastern time on 360 party. I need response form Eagle, pawz and kuj.
I'll be there
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
will be back out in the field wont be able to make it
CAG JB (February 10th, 2014)
Ok eagle, that fine.
So this will take place on xb1 since eagle can't make it?
Battlefield brigade
-CAG pisspawz
-1st lieutenant
-Platoon commander
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