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Thread: Sniper And Designated Marksman Medals And Badges

This will be the forums for the new Call of Duty Ghosts to be released soon.

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    Leader and Founder of CAG

    Sniper And Designated Marksman Medals And Badges

    Ok you guys, I am working on new medals and badges for those of you who want to be known as the bass ass "One Shot One Kill" motherfuckers in this clan.

    The medals and badges I am working on are for Designated Marksman who will be using nothing but "marksman's" rifles in the game and for Scout Snipers.

    The Designated Marksman will be a hybrid player who is capable of using any of the Marksman weapons in the game for mid and long range combat. They are a mixture between snipers and long range shooters but unlike the snipers they will be required to move around tactically during games.

    For the Snipers there will be two levels before a player is consider a true sniper.

    The 1st level will be a Designated Marksman who has all his weapon badges and his Designated Marksman Badge completed. They will try out to become a "PIG" first.

    The 2nd level is a "PIG" (Professionally Instructed Gunman) who will play along side CAG's HOG (Hunter of Gunman) who are official CAG Scout Snipers. Once an official "HOG" feels that a member training under him is ready to be accepted into the Sniper Platoon, they will designate them as a "PIG".

    In order to become a Scout Sniper, a "PIG" must obtain their full Ghillie Suit and maintain a K/D which will be announced soon.

    Here is the 1st badge I have completed, this one is for a "PIG". I will have the one for the "HOG" and Designated Marksman completed by the end of the day. Let me know what you guys think of this one so far.

    I also need all the current members of CAG who have their full Ghillie Suits in a meeting sometime today to talk about the Scout Sniper's Platoon.

    CAG pig sniper
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 287,891,920
    Next Level: 305,690,101

  2. The Following 6 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    Carnage (March 25th, 2014),jDIAMOND (November 16th, 2013),l SL1M l (November 16th, 2013),Lesbehonest (November 16th, 2013),o RESPECT II o (November 16th, 2013)

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