For the last 3/4 months iv had a really annoying ongoing problem with my xbox 360.the prob basically is that it has a prob with the discs.when I first turn my xbox on by pressing the power button on the front of the xbox and it reaches the dashboard,where it should show the game icon that is in the disc tray it's just says play game and when I select this it gives me a message saying that the disc is unrecognised but this cannot be as it happens on every game disc I try to play and even the most recent game I bought (bf4) on Friday the same thing happens.i know for fact that it's not a game issue with scratches or region for that matter.
i cleared the cache on my xbox to have no luck but what I have noticed is that once I remove the latest update and it reinstalls it that it seems to load every game fine that is until the next time I turn my xbox on again.the xbox I have is the xbox 360E model and it is only a 1 year and 9 months old so this shit to me shouldn't be happening.
has anyone ever had an issue like this??? Any help at all would def be much appreciated as it's getting close to Christmas and I can really afford to splash out.