Here is what the update / patch was for that was released over the weekend ....
By Keshav on November 9, 2013@KeshavB11
We’re getting multiple reports that a new patch, version 1.03, has been released for Ghosts for PlayStation 3 users. The patch size is around 165MB, and we do not have the official patch notes released at this time. The patch is currently available in the US, and hasn’t been released elsewhere yet. (update 11/10: patch is now available in Europe).
But from what we’re hearing, (update) that the Operations page is now showing total kills required, instead of showing certain level requirements, and in private match, you can add 6 rounds in SnD, and make the timer 1.5 minutes per round. This feature was requested by many of the eSports players. The ”devgru intimidator” operation has also been increased from from 150 to 300.
Overall, it appears this new patch brought lots of fixes for the Operations.
Twitter user @CrownThePedro and @GBP480 has spotted another change: a new mute screen, which now allows you to select specific players to mute, or mute all.
UPDATE: A new patch for Ghosts on PC, around 199MB, was also released yesterday. Twitter user @_Primey0 reports that the PC patch brought the same features/improvements as the PS3 patch. He also reports that IW has fixed the issue where players weren’t able to change the person they were spectating in S&R. The Operations things have also been changed – you need to spend squad points to unlock certain ones, and thus it shows exactly what you need to unlock certain items.
UPDATE 2: This same patch has now been released for the Xbox 360 worldwide.