I dont have the game yet and I want to know from all CAG users whats the best classes out on cod ghost
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PATRON (November 9th, 2013)
SiCK AND WiCK3D (November 9th, 2013)
PATRON (November 16th, 2013)
I'd have to say a versatile class would be the below .
It catters to both run n gun and the Stealth AKA as the Camper
Red Dot/Silencer
The Whole top Row of the Speed Section . Minus Stalker.
Add Dead Silence to it .
Lethal IED
Tactical Bomb . Forgot what its called . But its Red
Satcom-Trinity Rocket - Battle-Hind
ND DemonWolf IV (November 17th, 2013)
it all dependce on the play style you have if your a runner tactical ore a camper
- Be Fast Be Quik Shoot First Than Ask Wy -
PATRON (November 30th, 2013)
My class setup depends on the map, say for instance I'm in Stone Heaven. We're you won't get that much action if you sit back & snipe. That'll tell me to use perks like Incog, the perk to not show up on radar... dead silence w/ ied's now if we're in a smaller map were heavy fighting issuing then ill go towards the fast perks. Sleight Of Hand, Stalker etc if you ever need new class lmk.
Hardline is a perk I use majority if the time because if I have 2 ied's that'll get me a satcom without even firing a bullet then I can go for the high killstreaks.
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