Nevermind...I found it. It was in Nevada not AZ..still awful
Discuss anything from suggestions, ideas here. No holds barred in this forum, beware and you have been warned!
CAG Covieleader (October 21st, 2013),Mad Shot (October 21st, 2013)
Mad Shot (October 21st, 2013)
Least no harm was done to any other students! I feel bad for kids who suffer from bullying as I used to be a bully myself... I quit once I got older and realized that the harm I was doing to others all had reprocausions on my future as a person.
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Mad Shot (October 22nd, 2013)
I don't know what to say without offending people which I don't want to do at all but there has to be a better way than arming teachers. I am a teacher and I don't want to carry a weapon into my class room. My classroom is meant to be a warm, welcoming place were my students come and feel at home.
What's the solution?
Mad Shot (October 22nd, 2013)
Sticky i inderstand what you want in your classroom but you have to understand this situation. You cannot warm a crazy with a gun nor can you appeal to thier feelings. I am a Soldier and i look at every thing as such. This problem will only take more security to stop it. With an armed guard and possibly an armed teacher under cover or counceller
CAG Covieleader
Alpha Co XO
Mad Shot (October 22nd, 2013)
CAG Covieleader (October 23rd, 2013)
i dont know ... sad that our society has come to this ... it truly is. i am sick of hearing of innocents dying all over the world for whatever reason ... it starts to get me down when this is happening so often and then with the terrible events in Kenya and the bombing in Volgograd .... bah
CAG Covieleader (October 23rd, 2013)
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