All right guys couple things
First off the BF4 beta ends today, and with the full game release in a couple weeks we are really gonna be gearing up for BF4. so any recruits that needs to get their marksman done, please try and finish it by next week. We full members should be helping these recruits. T2M ReMiix, Makingshizzle, Darkred Reflex, sgtkamikazebear, Srnerdbane. Also contact them and let them know about forum activity as some haven't been on since they put in their app.
I will be updating our roster for BF4 by the end of this week. I wanna create specialized fireteams for Recon, air, A/T, and infantry. if anyone feels they would like to join any of these fire teams pm me or message me on xbox.
One last thing I need atleast Five of us tonight for the bf4 review I am editing. I need a few clips of squad movement and tactics.
That's it guyskeep up the good work!