Frost 19-9 (lone forces)
hijacked 20-7 (lone forces)
hijacked 18-10 (lone forces)
turbine 23-9 (lone forces)
standoff 17-8 (dark angel)
Update or start your Marksman Badge thread here
CAG CheechDogg (October 15th, 2013),MiSsFiT (October 15th, 2013)
MiSsFiT (October 15th, 2013)
MiSsFiT (October 15th, 2013)
confirmed good job
sent from my bed ♥
Congratulations DjH4yz you are now officially a member of the CAG Family !
Make sure you also request your Dogg Ribbon so that I can get you on the roster as an official member..
MiSsFiT (October 15th, 2013)
MiSsFiT (October 15th, 2013)
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