hey guys so i spent most of the afternoon making this video on BF3. tell me what you guys think
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hey guys so i spent most of the afternoon making this video on BF3. tell me what you guys think
CAG CheechDogg (October 14th, 2013),CAG JB (October 14th, 2013),Kujeaux (October 14th, 2013),nadav22 (October 14th, 2013),pisspawz (October 13th, 2013),stickywicket (October 14th, 2013),StormySGT ELIAS (October 14th, 2013)
I liked the video darky.. commentary was good I thought it was pretty awsome lol great work darky keep it up
Sent from skull island
DEF4LT515 (October 14th, 2013),StormySGT ELIAS (October 14th, 2013)
pisspawz (October 14th, 2013)
Enjoyed the vid I'd rather watch a half hr vid than a quick 5 min one.good job and good to see CAG dominating like always.
it would be amazing to see the footage from different perspectives .... can you send me a link on how to set up a capture card .... having one in different squads would make very interesting videos
i can just tell you man its simple. HDMI from xbox to capture card and the provided HDMI from the card to the tv. Then a usb cable to your computer. You download the software from www.gamecapture.com and boom your all set. But yea sticky i believe BF4 has a spectator mode that you can watch from other peoples views. Not sure if like you can do it like black ops but i know something like that would help.
pisspawz (October 16th, 2013)
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