A Colera outbreak in Hati has killed 8000. Hati blames the outbreak on the UN's move into Hati.
What do you think? Did the UN release Colera or was this an act of Terriorisum by someone else.....
CAG Covieleader
Alpha Co XO
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This squad will be used for military persons retired or active duty who which to game together.
CAG CheechDogg (October 15th, 2013)
Its all about population control my brother .
CAG Covieleader (October 15th, 2013)
-I done wrestled with an alligator!
-Done tussled with a whale!
-I Handcuffed lightning!
-And threw thunder in jail!
-Ive murdured a rock!
-Injured a stone!
-Hostpitalized a brick!
Im so Bad I make medicine sick. Im gon' Show you! How great I am.
"Whatcha' gon' do, When the CAG Doggs come for you?"
CAG Covieleader (October 15th, 2013)
BIG COUNTRY (October 15th, 2013)
Definitely an act of terrorism ... now we have to be careful out there....
My advise to everyone, start stocking up on clean water !
CAG Covieleader (October 15th, 2013)
I'm telling ya it all about population control . If there's to many people in one spot with not enough resources it an easy way to thin out the herd so to speek call me a conspiracy theorist but don't think it dosent happen .
CAG Covieleader (October 15th, 2013),Sidebangx (October 16th, 2013)
Your right Cheech. Water, Ammo, Can Food and dry food. Keep your gas cans full bouyz. Cuz this shit will hit the fan if the dope heads dont get thier checks Nov 1st. Im always preped and have an evac plan with rally points to meet other Vets.
Everyone needs to know thier safe houses in thier local towns.
CAG Covieleader
Alpha Co XO
I got c4 around my well bud . And the 1000 gal. Fuel tank in the barn is good to go also . Been fattening up the squirrels around the house too you never know fellas .
Obama is straight up trying to bankrupt the US government .
CAG Covieleader (October 21st, 2013)
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