Top 10 ways Rockstar can make it up to fans with GTA Online
Here is another article about GTA 5's epic fail..
No clue who wrote this but it came from
Fed up of not being able to play GTA Online properly? Not happy with Rockstar’s response to the problems? Here’s how they could make up for it…
It was obvious this was going to happen, but no matter how inevitable a flawed launch for GTA Online was it doesn’t make it any less annoying when you just want to get online and play with your friends. That’s still extremely difficult for many people at the moment but apart from simply fixing it – which will likely still take days or weeks – what other things could Rockstar do to compensate disappointed fans?
Some of these suggestions are more plausible than others, but we hope that Rockstar is going to do something to acknowledge the issues. These are our ideas but let us know what you’d like to see happen, either in the comments below or at the usual email address:
10. Free money
We don’t like to be shallow but the best way to win people over is to pay them off. And considering that in-game microtransactions are already the most controversial aspect of GTA Online (and have just had to be switched off) giving everyone a free cash card to spend on new cars, guns, or a house would do a lot to induce gamer amnesia over the launch troubles. It might be the gaming equivalent of getting a gift voucher for your birthday, but this time at least it wouldn’t be the lazy option.
9. Undead Nightmare
Rockstar’s downloadable expansion for Red Dead Redemption went down very well and they’re no doubt working on something similar for GTA V at some point. It doesn’t have to be horror-themed, but it is Halloween coming up soon and since Rockstar has already promised that GTA Online will be constantly update and expanded an impromptu invasion of the living dead would be a great way to celebrate the game working properly (or is October 31 too optimistic for everything being fixed?)
8. Ambassador perks
The worst thing a publisher can do to fans is not acknowledge them, especially if they’re spending all their spare time playing a game that doesn’t work. Assuming they also haven’t been accidently deleted Rockstar should have logs of exactly who’s online and when, so giving some kind of ambassador status to the early adopters – perhaps with some sort of XP bonus or unique clothing options – could make it all worthwhile.
7. Co-op heists
This is another thing that’s allegedly coming to the game in the future but being able to plan and execute complex heists with your friends would go a long way towards justifying GTA Online’s existence. Playing Deathmatch and Last Man Standing is already starting to get a little old, since it’s the sort of thing you can do in any game. But heists are a GTA V exclusive and the sooner they’re online the better. GTA Online – it really was too good to be true 6. Jetpacks
The most desirable object in both the real world and in GTA V, jetpacks definitely are in the game somewhere but they’re tied into the big treasure hunt style UFO conspiracy. That surely must mean that they’re in GTA Online somewhere too, but it’ll no doubt take weeks and months of progress to unlock them. So how about as an apology for all the trouble Rockstar give everyone that’s been online this first week a free day with them just to say sorry?
5. Get Lamar
Everyone’s going to have their own most hated characters (ours is Lamar) and since GTA Online takes place before GTA V that means they’re going to be online too, forever. But what if you could kill them? That would be hugely satisfying and really help to customise the game and make it feel unique to you. Especially if your character then took over the mission-giving duties of whoever they offed. You’d lose the voice acting, but for Lamar at least we’d consider that an added bonus.
4. Maximum Auto
There’s already a few Easter Eggs related to Max Payne 3 in GTA V, but the surprising thing about the two games is that they don’t use the same combat system. The free look control option in GTA V is similar to Max Payne 3, but it’s not really the same thing. What would be great is if Rockstar can add in a straight clone of Max Payne 3’s controls, complete with bullet time effect. It’d sure help to liven up some of the straight deathmatch games.
3. More radio stations
This is probably coming at some point anyway but there’s only so many times you can commit a drive-by shooting while listening to Britney Spear’s Gimmie More before you go mad. Streaming in new songs is probably not the best way to help the game’s current bandwidth issues but some new songs and stations as free downloadable content would be a very quick and easy way to freshen up the game.
2. GTA Offline
If the online is causing so much problem then how about a split-screen mode? The level of graphical detail would probably have to take a hit to do it, but we’re sure most fans would be happy at the compromise if it meant you could get some sort of multiplayer going. Maybe just have fenced off split-screen areas so the game can cope? It’s definitely a feature we’d like to see in the rumoured next gen versions, since they’d have the horsepower to make it easy.
1. In jokes
Apart from free money the next best way to paper over problems is by making a joke about it. And seeing as making jokes is GTA’s stock in trade it’d be really nice to see the online problems acknowledged in the game; maybe via the radio or TV, or some sort of billboard announcement. Rockstar make great games but they do have a tendency to take themselves very seriously, so it’d be good to see them aim their famed sarcasm at the mirror.
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