Am I missing something here? That is how it is stet up now...or am I too stupid to understand what you are trying to say here?
Marksman Badge
1. Choice of AR, SMG or LMG and loadout
Must have at least 15 kills and no more than 10 deaths 5 times
3. No team kills are allowed
4. No killstreak rewards allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met
Sharpshooter Badge
The Sharpshooter Badge is the 2nd level and will be more of a challenge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will aso be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 5 times:
1. Choice of weapon and loadout
Must have 15 kills and no more than 5 deaths
3. No killstreak rewards allowed
4. No team kills are allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a Fireteam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met
The Expert Badge is the 3rd level and will be the most difficult badge to earn. Hardcore Team Deathmatch will also be used to qualify for this Badge and the following requirements need to be completed 10 times:
1. Choice of weapon and loadout
Must have 20 kills and no more than 5 deaths
3. No killstreak rewards allowed
4. No team kills are allowed or explosives
5. Must be paired off with a FireTeam or Squad Leader to confirm requirements are met
The point of these awards is to keep your "deaths" as low as possible. Anyone can run around and get those k/d ratios, that is now what we are about, we are about working as a team and the Sharpshooter, Expert and Elite Weapon Badges are more easily obtainable through teamwork, not through and individual's efforts.
Sure there are those that no matter what they do they will get these without any teamwork, but those are also the same players who do not last as members in this Family.
Just take a look at the list of those who have earned their Sharpshooter's Weapon BAdge:
CAG CheechDogg, CAG StewieShotU, Eagle7, CAG Randuken, CAG Lucifer748, CAG Phoenix, Kn0ck3rSh0ck3r, CAG SILENT, jDIAM0ND, bluedevil80, iLL Sasquatch, CAG twofkbrotal, CAG PATRON, eff3ctive, CAG Karma, CAG BEAT DOWN, CAG Covieleader, CAG Bx3Boyz, CAG Mad Shot, CAG LONEWOLF, Ike625, BRuTe Ninja XD, Omega985, HEADHUNTER, CAG BIG COUNTRY, SickNate411, RaT3D x DEVIL, CAG Rambo, Sidebangx, CAG LETHALHOBBS, CAG Monkey, CAG KoRn, killer sam8597, CAG Weasel, CAG GypsyOutlaw, CAG KillShot, Steel Grizzzly, Lethal Blade, A Jedi Jew, CAG JESUS, CAG TEFLON DON
Out of these 42 players I only see 3 who are very aggressive players and are allowed to do as they please during games because they don't give the other team more than 10 kills by completely shitting on them.
I wont mention who those players are lol, but they know who they are.
While I see your point in the suggestion Babel, CAG has always been about teamwork, those that understand that will eventually earn their Shaprshooter and Expert's Weapon Badges, those that don't , good luck !