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View Poll Results: Vote for the next generation consoles you will be purchasing

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    9 50.00%
  • PS4

    2 11.11%
  • Both

    1 5.56%
  • Neither

    0 0%
  • Not Sure Yet

    6 33.33%
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Thread: Poll for next generation consoles .

  1. #31
    PATRON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    Wow no one has voted for neither lol....
    Its time for a change homie . 360 has put in work and now its time for it to move over lol

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  2. #32
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    Nah ... there is going to be nothing different but the graphics being "PERTIER" on the new's going to be the same bullshit and I guarantee you we will have way less features and shit in the first wave of games until the game developers figure out how to use and make makes for the new that time we will have xbox 68 cuz they will owe you one ....
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  3. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    PATRON (September 28th, 2013),Steel Grizzzly (September 28th, 2013)

  4. #33
    Bx3Boyz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    Nah ... there is going to be nothing different but the graphics being "PERTIER" on the new's going to be the same bullshit and I guarantee you we will have way less features and shit in the first wave of games until the game developers figure out how to use and make makes for the new that time we will have xbox 68 cuz they will owe you one ....
    Sounds like a glass half empty kinda guy!? This is a game changer.. For Microsoft and Sony.. Graphics yes obviously will be better.. But with all the upgrades 8gb DDR3 RAM... 64-bit processors and alot more upgrades it's going to open up so many options along wth the cloud being able to store unlimited data will not only help bandwidth but allow Xboxs servers to hopefully run smoother.. 360 has served its purpose but now time to move on to bigger and better things...

    The Beard Has Spoken!

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  5. #34
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    Bx, they said similar things about the 360 before it came out and look what they did especially with sports games like Madden where they ended up stripping the game out of all the rich features it had not only in the old xbox but in playstation as well.

    Even with all this RAM they will find a way to fuck things up, everyone is so caught up in graphics especially with games like COD where the game is no longer about the player playing the game how they want but instead playing a game that is scripted with a bunch of cinematics that is actually what makes the games today so visually striking and dynamic.

    Do you not remember the old rainbow six games where you could actually give commands to every single member of your team? Those games had no cinematics and yet they lasted way longer than these games today.

    Or how about like I said Madden games before the 360 came out, you had the option to do everything from edit your player's height, weight and even their physical appearance and even had room for franchise mode, owner mode and you could set ticket prices, concession prices, parking lot prices shit the list goes on and on dude.

    What reason other than these guys being lazy do they have to completely gut the fuck out of games especially sports games?

    I rather them focus on the ability to give us tons of features for games than graphics that just make a game look "PERTY"...

    Take GTA V for example, look at how huge this map is, yet it has both the ability for you to roam around and fuck shit up, great graphics and for those cinematic junkies out there great scenes that don't take up as much room as COD and Madden devs want us to believe it takes up.

    GTA V is such an impressive game dude I am shocked at how well Rockstar has done with the 360 and all the GTA games. The new xbox 1 is more of a damn entertainment center than a fucking game console so of course its going to need that extra RAM and hd space, but you wait and see their game are going to be so bland and everyone is going to be like "shit I spent $500 on this piece of shit" ... just look at the 360 now with all the apps that they shoved down it's throat, the navigation is horrendous, sometimes takes you for ever to just even sign on to XBL, if it wasn't for the fact that we can install our games onto the 360s our consoles would be toasted.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  6. #35
    Bx3Boyz's Avatar
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    See it's like every situation and every game you find only the negative shit to talk about instead of all the positive things.. These games have nothing to do with the console it has to with the companies making them.. Like you said rockstar has contained to put out bad ass games.. The Xbox 1 is also going to be an entertainment system due to the fact they are trying to also not only make a bad ass gaming system but a system to bring family's more close instead of Xbox just being a box that just us gamers sit Infront of.. Me as a family guy ide love to get my wife on here surfin the web or watching netflix and enjoy Xbox more so I'm all for it and I gota believe there are ohh a couple million other people that will agree... I know every situation has their negatives homie but look at all then positive things Xbox 1 is bringing to the table ya know!! I need happy thoughts from you damnit!!!! Lol

    The Beard Has Spoken!

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  7. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Bx3Boyz For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (September 28th, 2013)

  8. #36
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    Lol BX ! Fuck that shit dude, I am a Man of controversies not sugar coating everything lol....

    No hear what you are saying dude, the last couple of months I have used the 360 more as a form of viewing entertainment with Netflix than actually playing games.

    I just don't see the need to give MS or PS another $500-$1000 which is what we are all going to end up spending when these systems come out to even be able to play and enjoy all these features they are announcing already.

    Just imagine dude, $500 x 2 million xbox 1s which is what they expect to sell within the first 90 days ... that is $1 billion dollars dude ! ....and that is just an estimate of what they xbox 1 is going to go for without the controllers, chargers, any adapters and games to play ! lol..

    I will wait till around February of next year when the xbox 1 might be available on demand from just about any store like bestbuy in case I don't like what I see I can just return the mother fucker and get my money back.

    Fuck spending that kind of money only to see the fucking new console crap out because of poor handling during shipping, poor shipping conditions and just complete negligence by asshole warehouse and retail workers at walmart, target, best buy who I know for a fact because I worked at target and walmart my self do that kind of shit when new shit like this comes out.

    Shit even UPS drivers handle shit like this with complete carelessness, that first batch of xbox 1s dude are going to be handle so badly that more than half of them are going to be crapping out within the first month, I guarantee you that.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  9. #37
    Bx3Boyz's Avatar
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    Agree 100 percent homie but think if it front their point of view.. Charge 500 a piece and know millions will still go buy it.. Then next year drop it down to 350 or 400 and still bank.. You know if we were in their positions we would do the same damn thing lol... But as we all know being a gamer isn't a cheap hobbie lol just gota role with it I guess.. I don't sugar coat shit bro you know this by now but I atleast try finding positives in all situations.. Guess it's just the way I am lol

    The Beard Has Spoken!

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  10. #38
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    Fuck that ... there are plenty of brands out there that actually take care of their customers , MS is not one of them, they do things in a way that you have to either roll with the punches or say fuck it I have had enough.

    Just take a look at their Windows for PCs, you can't tell me that these fuckers don't pay people to create viruses so that they can bank off of completely infected pcs Bro. Things actually work just like GTA V depicts them to work in the real world, these big companies man work together, pc companies work with anti virus companies and pay each other off of what they get the customers to do.

    Example, McAfee and Norton come pre installed in new PCs, Sony and Toshiba call up their fucking virus experts and create a new virus to hit your brand new pc at a certain date regardless of whether you have anti virus or not.

    Once your pc has been hit you take it in to the "experts" because you just don't know how to fix your pc yourself, they then tell you, "oh well your cpu is non-repairable, you have to get a new one" you wait a couple of days, weeks or you get one on the spot if you buy it from say Best Buy. Then they tell you, to avoid this from happening again you should really look into buying this great anti virus program which costs you $75-$150 but it is well worth it.

    So you buy the fucking anti virus program along with thousands of others who had the same shit happen to them because of the exact same fucking virus. Now you have a few thousand people dishing out at least $50 for an anti virus that you can get for free.....

    It's the same thing with MS and the game developers Bro, now that everything can be "patched" through online services, the "cloud" you so highly speak of and people now able to fuck you over with your IP address, it is all one huge fucking group of assholes who are fucking us over.

    And just so you know, having shit saved in a cloud server is just plain fucking stupid, you are going to trust MS with your fucking information being sent world wide now, your passwords, your credit card numbers, how many people have had their accounts hacked on XBL? I am one of them dude....

    I keep getting offers from hosting companies to host our website on a cloud server to better server our website to the "world" ...fuck you ! lol...

    Right now I have just about as much control of our website and information as can possibly be had. The cloud is nothing to be excited about Bx, believe me dude.

    I rather look at the negatives and base my decisions on that and get impressed later by word of mouth when people don't have problems and they are happy with the risk they took on buying said products.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  11. #39
    Bx3Boyz's Avatar
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    Lol and that's why your a glass half empty guy.. Bro this is A lot bigger than Xbox or computers.. I promise you that neither you or me or anyone else is gonna change this world.. Car company's design cars to break down.. Apple makes you download updates to older phones that just fucks them up so you go buy a new one.. Then you bash the "cloud".. Well first off if your dumb enough to put your account shit on Xbox or anywhere else you deserve to get your shit stolen.. The concept of the cloud is a great idea.. Of course there are always going to be assholes who hack shit but guess what.. That's life.. You and many other people spend so much time and energy polluting peoples heads with non sense instead of trying to educate people of how to avoid the inevitable.. And yet you and all them are going to go buy the Xbox.. Buy cars.. Cell phones... Computers... And everything else that's owned and controlled by a bunch of rich sneaky old white guys who could care less about us.. Again just my opinion

    The Beard Has Spoken!

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  12. #40
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    I'm nearly 100% sure il be getting the xbox1 as the party chat and coms have won me over.dont like the way with play station you have to be playing the same game as ur friend in order to be able to chat with them while playing.this is the reason I moved from play station 3 to Xbox and I haven't regretted doing so.oh yeah my votes down an all:-)
    CAG JB

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