But I will probably end up getting the PS4 before I get another xbox ... the last few months they have really done some shady shit all across the board ...
But I will probably end up getting the PS4 before I get another xbox ... the last few months they have really done some shady shit all across the board ...
CAG Covieleader (September 28th, 2013)
Xbox 1 next summer
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Bump to the top . Lets keep voting people !!!
im not sure what im getting I can't vote cause I'm on my phone labtop broke and it's really hard to use my browser on my phone slow has hell but mostly likely ill end up getting thw new xbox after a couple of months
sent from my bed ♥
MiSsFiT (September 27th, 2013)
its really slow
sent from my bed ♥
Ill be getting the Xbox One.
Sent from a classified location
randy come on xbox
sent from my bed ♥
PATRON (September 27th, 2013)
PATRON (September 27th, 2013)
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