in the past two year I've met guys from a over the country while i was in Korea i shared sleeping bags just to keep warm we all showered together it was unity, we ate together , we shared rooms we became a brotherhood and till this day there is nothing i wouldn't do for those guys they became a family special when your far from home try to get by you bond .... one of the funniest moments was when we all went out to drink together i will never forget it my platoon Sargent was drunk off his ass just buy alcohol for everyone we were celebrating after being the best Bradley platoon in the peninsula as well as squad and fire team after i came back from Korea i understood what brotherhood was we all went different directions but to this day we stay in touch we call each other or send a text to these fellow ranger im proud to stand next to them knowing who we fight for we fight for the man to our left and to our right to return home safely to our love ones

we few we happy few

we band of brothers