None Silent, you command everything below Platoons, all the enlisted ranks are your command
What do you mean copy and paste?
All officers above Platoon Commanders only mark down their platoon and Company. But yes Patron, that would be fine the way you have it...
If you are a platoon sergeant then you would only need to fill in up to the Platoon you are in since you command everything below your own you don't need to mark down a squad or fireteam....
Correct Lonewolf, thank you
Yes that will be fine Silent
If you are in Alpha Squad you pick Alpha Squad and the fireteam you are in, so if you are 2nd fireteam in alpha squad for 2nd platoon you would choose A2-ALPHA , the A is for Alpha Company, the 2 is for fireteam 2 and the Alpha is for Alpha Squad
If you are a DI you still need to mark down a platoon, I will add a platoon solely for DIs and Platoon Sergeants as well....