I'm sure it's been discussed before- but in recent light I'm torn between my decision on purchasing an Xbox one, and PS4. Or even altogether Of course this would be a concern within the clan for future investments and activities. After all not everyone in even the closest most dated squad might agree on the same console (Thus breaking up the squad to some degree) then again it's not a big deal. Just curious as to which one people are going for!
Personally I love PC response and servers, the Xbox controller and communities, the Playstation exclusives, style, and focus.
Further; I feel like Xbox is washed out. 9/10s of the new system ill never utilize. Playstation I've always loved but seems to miss the swing recently- and got off on the wrong foot last launch (while I'm expecting the new system to do very well in comparison). And if I'm going PC I'm going big because you can. Which means lots of money I don't feel like spending.
Discuss, insult, battle.