What's up everyone!
I was running around the forums the other day and stumbled on an old thread that made mention of League Play Medals for Black Ops 2.
I reached out to Cheech about this and when this was first brought up, alot of people were playing League, then it kinda died off and now it's back again. If enough people are interested, maybe we can get something new to shoot for in BO2 and get a little life back into an almost dead game. Now, I know it's almost the end of the life cycle and with Ghosts and new consoles around the corner, I still feel that people will continue to play BO2 even after new releases.
For those of you who aren't familiar with how the league system is set up, I'll break it down real quick.
There are 2 Series':
Moshpit is 6 v 6 everything goes, Get-Hunter-Killered-While-Defusing-A-Bomb kinda gameplay.
Champions is 4 v 4 MLG style gameplay with limited modes and maps.
There are 6 'Divisions':
Within those 'Divisions' are various ladders. Each contains 200 players. These 'Divisions' are different if you play with a full team, as the ladders are composed of teams instead of individual players.
Now, I wouldn't advise medals for each ladder because:
1. Cheech won't go for it
2. It'd take years to finish
What I do suggest is this:
1. Medals for at least Gold, Platinum and Masters. Masters is the top 2% of the active population, Platinum is the next 18% and Gold the next 20%.
2. Possibly medals for Top 25, Top 10, Top 5 and Rank 1
If no interest is shown in this, it won't happen. It is just something I found in an old thread that interested me and I thought it may interest you too.