I just picked up Dead Island Riptide at Gamestop for $25 the first Dead Island was awesome I'm excited to play the new one
CAG Covieleader
Alpha Co XO
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I wish there was a thread (and now that I say that, I think I may start it) for the Humble Bundle. Last week (or maybe the week before) the Humble bundle had Dead Island and Dead Island riptide along with about 6 or 7 other games.
For anyone who does not know what the Humble Bundle is, you need to go http://www.humblebundle.com/. Basically, they package up the games/music/books/etc. and sell them for whatever you want to pay, can split your payment between all developer, all charity, all humble bundle, or a little to all three.
For instance, the Deep Silver bundle came with the following games:
Anything you want to pay:
Metro 2033
Sacred Citadel
Risen 2
Sacred Gold 2
Saints Row 2
Saints Row: the Third
Go above the average and get:
Dead Island GOTY
Saints Row: the Third full package (all DLC)
Pay $25 and get:
Dead Island Riptide
If you pay $0.10 or more, you get the first category. Pay above the average (when I bought this I got it for $25.00, but the average was $5.26) and you get the second tier. This package included a special tier that allowed you to pay a set amount to get all three tiers (they don't usually do this).
They do this for two different sets. The first runs for 14 days and is on the front page. The second runs every week and is the Weekly Humble Bundle. Most games purchased get a Steam key (The Origins bundle, had a few games that were Steam Key'd, since Origins has their own "Steam" platform) so it is convenient for anyone wanting to add to their game collection.
I would recommend anybody who wants to get good games for low prices, sign up for the email alerts and see if any of them trip your trigger. Shit, you might even be able to get that second copy of a game to use in a LAN (I got Saints Row: the Third for a LAN).
CAG Covieleader (September 3rd, 2013)
heck ya covie, hit up when you down to play
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