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Thread: Best Madden 25 Sliders and Settings

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Best Madden 25 Sliders and Settings

    Ok you guys, every year that I buy Madden I spend about a week or so tweaking the settings and sliders to make the game play as realistic as possible. I am going to share my settings with you all here.

    Take all the time you need at the line, if you want you can raise the amount of time the clock runs down to with accelerated clock on a little higher, I have it at 15 seconds left in the clock when you break the huddle and start lining up, you might want to raise it to 20 to allow you to audible with more time if you are not familiar with how to call audibles. Once you are caught up with how to audible and change your plays or even to call a man in motion , you can bring it back down to 15.

    Let me explain how the sliders work and why I have what I have for some of the sliders.

    People think that playing on All Madden makes the great and beasts at Madden, but that is not the case. Playing on All-Pro and even on Pro with these sliders is going to bring out all the great animations in the game because the difficulty level is not set all the way up preventing the animations and great plays from happening.

    All true Madden fans know that the sliders have always been fucked up in Madden since next gen consoles and it still holds truth today and I am sure it will in the future.

    I play 15 mins quarters with accelerated clock and while many of you think this will give you insane stats and scores if you play the game right you wont see that.

    I have put fatigue at 60 so that people don't abuse star players and get those high scores and stats that everyone thinks and fears getting with 15 min quarters. This will make you play smarter in terms of using your running backs all game long. This will also make you use your back up running back in passing downs to give your starters a breather so that they can last you all game. If you do nothing but feed your running backs the ball in the first half you will not have your starter around for the 4th quarter and it will force you to play with your back ups in the 4th.

    Having the injury setting at 35 will also make you play smarter, the more fatigued your players are the more likely they will end up with game ending or even season ending injuries. You will have to have a balanced attack in order to win games with these sliders.

    EA has finally realized that one slider can have a huge impact on other sliders and have eliminated some of them like run ability and pass rush as well.

    The computer sliders also affect the way the cpu players on the human team perform. The WR Catching slider also affects pass defense and the Interception's slider which allows for the cpu and human pass defense to either become interception machines or simply pass deflect more than going for the interception.

    Because of the WR's catching slider having an impact on pass defense, I have set Wr catching for humans at 60 with the Interception's slider at 25 to counter each other.

    For the Cpu, Interceptions is set at 35 to make you play smarter and prevent you from passing the ball all game long without any consequences. Throw the ball to your #1 receiver all game long and by the 4th or 5th shot to your #1 the defense "WILL" pick you off! You have been warned!

    Because humans might not always have the same reaction time as the computer , the passing slider for humans is set at 40 and for the computer at 55 which allows both the human and cpu to pass for realistic stats.

    The Run blocking sliders also affect more than just the running game, they determine how good your kick and return game will be as well as your pass block. Because of this pass block for both the human and cpu is set at 25 to allow for a balanced pass rush, rush defense and also realistic kick return and punt return stats.

    The fumbles slider is set at 75 because anything less than that will result in a lot of fumbles and in the NFL rbs do not fumble the ball as much as you see in Madden football.

    Pass defense in Madden is still way off and because of that you have to find a medium and compromise with it. I choose to have pass defense for the human at 60 so that you can allow your players on the human team to play according to their attributes (ratings in madden).

    I don't switch to the closest defender on defense unless I see that my players are taking bad angles, having pass defense at 60 with pass coverage at 60 as well for the human team will allow you to let your players on your human team do their own thing.

    Tackling has to be set at 60 , anything lower that this will result in even the smallest of running backs running over the defensive linemen and no pass rush what so ever form the defense.

    On special teams the sliders are set for kickers with a strong leg to possibly make 60 + yard fgs and weak kickers to under kick the ball and allow for runbacks on missed field goals that are fielded by the defense.

    The punt power slider is set at 75 with accuracy at 90 to allow great punters to pin your team inside the 20 and even inside the 5 creating long and intense drives by both the human and cpu teams.

    I don't like to trash the computer every fucking game, especially if I am playing against a good to great defense. I want to struggle against a good and great defense and I want to be able to run against bad teams and be held to under 100 yards by those great defensive teams like the Ravens, 49rs and my team the Skins.

    Yes, you will see some games that will be lopsided and even some blowouts, but you will also see games with scores like 10-3, 14-10, 21-7 and even some ties!

    I am a die hard Madden fan you guys and these sliders are only version 1. By the time that the new rosters come out I may have to do some tweaking here and there, but these are also just a base to start off for all of you. If you feel like you are having trouble passing the ball or the computer is too, raise up the sliders by 1 click or 2. Same goes if you are having too much success passing the ball or the computer is kicking your ass even with scrub qbs.

    Remember, your reactions might not be the same as mine, you might need to raise or lower these settings and sliders, but this is going to give you great games if you play the game smart.

    Remember, you will not be able to run the ball with your starting running back 50 + times a game, it is up to you to find out how many carries before your running back starts getting tired. You will see your player's fatigue by the color of their icon, green means you are fresh and you have many plays to go and yellow means you are starting to get fatigued. Red means you are in serious trouble and soon your player is going to come out of the game and your back up for that player will be playing until your starter gets back to green or yellow.

    The auto sub sliders are set up to prevent your starters from getting so gassed out that they can no longer return to the game. Run the ball all game with your starter and by the 4th quarter you might not be able to keep him on the field for longer than one play.

    Below is are the settings and sliders starting with the auto subs for both offense and defense. Make sure you have the auto-sub sliders set the way you see them below to make the game play as realistic as possible.

    Offense sub in / sub out

    qb in 20

    qb out 0

    hb in 85

    hb out 70

    wr in 85

    wr out 70

    fb/te in 85

    fb/te out 60

    ol in 60

    ol out 50

    defense sub in / sub out

    dt in 90

    dt out 80

    de in 90

    dt out 80

    lb in 90

    lb out 80

    cb in 85

    cb out 70

    s in 90

    s out 70

    League Settings

    Instant Starter - off

    Salary Cap - on

    Skill Level - all pro (no bullshit plays and getting cheated by the cpu)

    Playcall style - conventional (your pick here)

    Quarter Lenght - 15 mins

    Accelerated clock - on

    Minimum play clock time - 15 (speeds up the game, my games last about 40-50 mins)

    Game speed - very fast

    Player Progression Frequency - Weekly

    Coach firing - off

    Game play tuning - yes

    Injury - on

    Pre Existing Injury - off (you can turn it on if you want but i leave it off to have a fresh new roster)

    Trade deadline - on

    Trade Type - enable all

    Relocations - disabled (leave it off, if you don't you will have teams called different names and shit)

    League type - all

    Team Settings

    Auto strafe - on

    Pre snap menu - off

    Coaching tips - off

    Player Names - always (your preference here)

    Heat seeker - on

    Ball Hawk - on

    Switch assist - off

    CPU Settings

    Fill roster - off

    Re-sign players - off

    Progress players - on

    Sign offseason free agents - off


    Player Skill (human)

    Qb accuracy - 40

    Pass blocking - 25

    Wr catching - 60

    Run blocking - 25

    Fumbles - 75

    Pass defense reaction time - 60

    Interceptions - 25

    Pass coverage - 60

    Tackling - 60

    CPU Skill

    Qb accuracy - 55

    Pass blocking - 25

    Wr catching - 75

    Run blocking - 40

    Fumbles - 75

    Pass defense reaction time - 60

    Interceptions - 30

    Pass coverage - 80

    Tackling - 60

    Special Teams

    FG power - 60

    FG accuracy - 60

    Punt power - 75

    Punt accuracy - 90

    Kickoff power - 55

    Game Options

    Injuries - 35

    Fatigue - 60

    Min Player speed threshold - 0


    Offside - 95

    False start - 93

    Holding - 60

    Face mask - 45

    Defensive pass interference - 85

    Offensive pass interference - 50

    Punt catch interference - 50

    Clipping - 45

    Intentional grounding - 60

    Roughing passer - 40

    Roughing kicker - 40

    Hope you guys enjoy these sliders. My rosters will be done by the end of this weekend in time for the start of the season, I will give you guys the roster file's name so you can download them from ea online.

    Good luck and good gaming!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    good shit cheech works great

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